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RabbitMQ JSON RPC Plugin

This plugin is deprecated and is not under active development. Team RabbitMQ recommends against its use.

Binary Builds for RabbitMQ 3.6.0

None are provided by the RabbitMQ team (see above).

Binary Builds for RabbitMQ 3.5.x

Available from the Community Plugins archive, as well as its dependency, erlang-rfc4627.

Building From Source (RabbitMQ 3.5.x)

You will need:

  • GNU make
  • Erlang
  • RabbitMQ public umbrella
  • erlang-rfc4627 module cloned to the umbrella

To run the server with the additional HTTP support,

make run-in-broker

The Makefile defaults to searching for the RabbitMQ broker in ../rabbitmq-server, and this can be overridden by setting RABBIT_SERVER_SOURCE_ROOT, like so:

make RABBIT_SERVER_SOURCE_ROOT=path/to/rabbitmq-server run

(If just the "../" part is wrong, you can try setting a different variable, RABBIT_SOURCE_ROOT, to the correct value instead. See the Makefile for the details of how RABBIT_SERVER_SOURCE_ROOT is constructed from RABBIT_SOURCE_ROOT.)

The broker should start.

In case you see an error such as

{"init terminating in do_boot",{{nocatch,{error,{cannot_start_application,rabbit,{bad_return,{{rabbit,start,[normal,[]]},{'EXIT',{undef,[{mod_jsonrpc,start,[]},{rabbit_http,kickstart,0},{rabbit,'-start/2-fun-0-',1},{lists,foreach,2},{rabbit,start,2},{application_master,start_it_old,4}]}}}}}}},[{init,start_it,1},{init,start_em,1}]}}

that means that erlang-rfc4627 isn't on code path.

And finally, if the RABBIT_SERVER_SOURCE_ROOT is wrong, or it is right but the code is not compiled or not on your erlang search path, you will see:

  erlc -I ../rabbitmq-server/include -I include -o ebin -Wall +debug_info  src/rabbit_http_channel.erl
  src/rabbit_http_channel.erl:28: can't find include file "rabbit.hrl"
  src/rabbit_http_channel.erl:29: can't find include file "rabbit_framing.hrl"
  src/rabbit_http_channel.erl:133: record content undefined
  src/rabbit_http_channel.erl:136: variable 'Props' is unbound
  src/rabbit_http_channel.erl:139: variable 'BodyFragmentsRev' is unbound
  src/rabbit_http_channel.erl:146: record 'P_basic' undefined
  src/rabbit_http_channel.erl:198: record content undefined
  src/rabbit_http_channel.erl:220: record 'P_basic' undefined
  src/rabbit_http_channel.erl:240: record '' undefined
  src/rabbit_http_channel.erl:263: record 'P_basic' undefined
  src/rabbit_http_channel.erl:276: record 'channel.open_ok' undefined
  src/rabbit_http_channel.erl:146: Warning: function build_props/1 is unused
  src/rabbit_http_channel.erl:197: Warning: variable 'Bin' is unused
  src/rabbit_http_channel.erl:197: Warning: variable 'Props' is unused
  make: *** [ebin/rabbit_http_channel.beam] Error 1

All that aside, once the server starts successfully, you should be able to visit http://localhost:15670/.

and get a webpage. Clicking on "Simple JSONRPC test" will run a small test application. Successful output of http://localhost:15670/test/index.html at the time of writing is:

  {"delivery":{"content":"hello, world","delivery_tag":1,"redelivered":false,"exchange":"","routing_key":"test-queue-1a","props":{"content_type":null,"content_encoding":null,"headers":null,"delivery_mode":null,"priority":null,"correlation_id":null,"reply_to":null,"expiration":null,"message_id":null,"timestamp":null,"type":null,"user_id":null,"app_id":null,"cluster_id":null}}}
  {"delivery2":{"content":"hello, world, again! pub 2","delivery_tag":2,"redelivered":false,"exchange":"","routing_key":"test-queue-1b","props":{"content_type":null,"content_encoding":null,"headers":null,"delivery_mode":null,"priority":null,"correlation_id":null,"reply_to":"something22","expiration":null,"message_id":null,"timestamp":null,"type":null,"user_id":null,"app_id":null,"cluster_id":null}}}
  test basic.cancel compliance
  queue declare OK
  {"never existed":"this-never-existed"}