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Secret-key Encryption

Lab Setup - Folder containing files and outputs for tasks.

Crypto_Encryption.pdf - Lab description of the background and performance of the tasks.

Mini Project 1.docx - Instructions for this project.

Project Report.docx - Final Report containing observations and results from each task.

READ ME for all tasks.txt - Commands to perform each task.


This experiment has been tested completely on a pre-configured Ubuntu 20.04 VM, which can be downloaded from

Install VMware to be able to run the Ubuntu image.

Start the VM and log into the account with username seed and password dees.

Download lab setup files using Lab


Task 1: Frequency Analysis

Task 2: Encryption using Different Ciphers and Modes

Task 3: Encryption Mode – ECB vs. CBC

Task 4: Padding

Task 5: Error Propagation – Corrupted Cipher Text