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Toy dependent glued normalization-by-evaluation elaborator à la sixty.


I have tried multiple effects libraries in the implementation because I do not want to resort to bare IO. These are the benchmark numbers, resulted from single runs:

lib forcing 10m nat conversion checking 10m nat branch
smalltt 1148ms 1681ms -
freer-simple 2261ms 5287ms master
mtl* 2648ms 9907ms mtl
fused-effects ~4s ~13s unavailable yet
mtl** 7249ms 8441ms mtl-inlinable
mtl*** 20710ms 28497ms mtl-no-spec
effectful 8317ms 48308ms effectful

*: Specialization by SPECIALIZE, **: Specialization by INLINABLE, ***: No specialization

The effects were simply Fresh + State via IORef + Error UnifyError, and I was pretty confident that pure means of State on boxed values won't perform better. The compiler arguments were -O2 -fllvm and rtsopts were -A1G. RAM was 16G DDR3 @ 1600MHz and CPU was Intel i7-4870HQ @ 3.7GHz.

Amazingly freer-simple managed to beat fused-effects and all other competitors, probably due to better specialization. I was surprised by how bad mtl performed, and was only nearly on par with freer-simple after specialization (which involves writing a hard ton of signatures). ReaderT-pattern based effectful performed even worse, which is disappointing because it self-claimed to be being very efficient.

Note that freer-simple was only somewhere from 1x to 3x slower than bare IO in this microbenchmark.


~ Revival of nostalgic residual.







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