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Rescale Nextflow Plug-in


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Rescale Nextflow Plugin

This project contains Rescale's custom Nextflow executor called nf-rescale-hpc. Rescale Executor is used to launch Rescale Jobs using a Nextflow file and supports multiple features of Nextflow.

How to Launch a Rescale Job from a Rescale Platform

To launch a Rescale Job, the Nextflow file (.nf) should included mandatory configurations:


To launch a Rescale Job using Nextflow

  1. <personal-access-token> and <API_KEY> are required.

    Personal Access Token can be requested from a Github account and will need the approval of IT.

    The API_KEY can be created from a Rescale Platform

  2. Custom naming policy is also required to utilize Nextflow caching system -resume.

    Request custom naming policy from site/organization admin to set in Django.

  3. HPS (Storage Device) is required to attach to Nextflow Job/Tile (HPS Specific)

Step by Step

  1. Set the plugin to nf-rescale-hpc and executor to rescale-executor in nextflow.config file

    NOTE: Currently you will need to provide the version for the executor (Default 0.4.0). (After official release, version number should reflect the latest release)

    plugins {
    id 'nf-rescale-hpc@<version>'
    process {
  2. Set RESCALE_PLATFORM_URL and RESCALE_CLUSTER_TOKEN (API Token) in nextflow.config file

    NOTE: Any environmental variable that is required to be shared among jobs need to be provided using env

    NOTE#2: User set license must also be provided through env either from nextflow.config or through env input Nextflow Documentation

    env {
  3. Configure your nextflow file with the software and hardware to run the process using the directive

    process <processName> {
    machineType "emerald"
    cpus 1

    NOTE: process configuration can be specified in nextflow.config using withName or withLabel tags.

    Available Parameters Supported (Second Pass)

    The following parameters are currently supported and functional. The parameters supported are required for any Rescale Job, hence it was the first parameters to be supported.

    ext.jobAnalyses (Required) (datatype: List<jobAnalysis>): The configuration of one or multiple analyses. Must be passed as a list of jobAnalysis.

    The jobAnalysis (datatype: Map) have the following paramaters

    • analysisCode (Required)(datatype: String): The software code

    • analysisVersion (Required)(datatype: String): The software version

    • rescaleLicense (Defaults to false)(datatype: bool): Whether or not to use Rescale License when running a software (Custom License can be passed using Nextflow environmental values)

    • onDemandLicenseSeller (Optional)(datatype: Map): A dictionary with the schema of ["code":"codeValue", "name":"nameValue"] where code and name are the license provider’s code and name, respectively.

    • userDefinedLicenseSettings (Optional)(datatype: Map): User-defined license settings for the analysis is a definition of multiple sets of license feature counts that the user expects the analysis to use for running the job

      // Example of userDefinedLicense
      process <processName> {
          "userDefinedLicenseSettings": [
                  ['name':'<featureset name>', 'features': [
                      ['name':'<feature name>', 'count':<count value>]

    machineType (Required)(datatype: String): The hardware used to run the software

    cpus (Defaults to 1)(datatype: int): The number of cores of the hardware

    ext.billingPriorityValue (Optional)(datatype: String): Priority for job hardware

    ext.wallTime (Optional)(datatype: int): The time a Rescale Job will be allowed to run. Options are: 'INSTANT’ for On Demand Priority, 'ON_DEMAND’ for On Demand Economy, 'RESERVED’ for On Demand Reserved.

    ext.projectId (Optional)(datatype: String):

    Future Parameters to be supported (Third Pass)

    Currently there are no further parameters considered for support

    Unsupported and Future-Excluded Parameters

    The following parameters will be not be supported now or in the future, because the parameters have a Nextflow based solution.

    preProcessScript: Pre-processing script for analysis.

    postProcessScript: Post-processing script for analysis.

  4. Run the following command as BYOD in Rescale as a job. Make sure to attach a storage device (HPS) alongside a directory called projectdata

    curl -s "" | bash; 
    source ~/.sdkman/bin/
    sdk install java 17.0.6-amzn;
    sdk default java 17.0.6-amzn
    sdk use java 17.0.6-amzn
    wget -qO- | bash
    chmod +x nextflow
    git clone https:/<personal-access-token>
    cd nf-rescale-hpc
    make buildPlugins
    mkdir -p ~/.nextflow/plugins
    cp -r build/plugins/* ~/.nextflow/plugins/
    <move file to where you are running nextflow>
    cd ~/storage*/projectdata # cd into any shared directory the following is an example
    $nf_home/nextflow run <nextflow file>

    As stated above replace <personal-access-token> and <nextflow-file>

    Make sure to move nextflow.config and nextflow-file inside nf-rescale-hpc, and move any input file into ~/storage*/projectdata

__4.1 For a step by step tutorial see the running a Nextlow job on using the nf-rescale-hpc plugin.

Potential Non-Error Failures

1. Pre-mature termination


A job spawned by Nextflow was terminated before validation is complete, the job will not have update status, hence, Nextflow will be stuck waiting for a completed status or stopping status.


Stop the master Nextflow job. (Resume parameter will continue from the current point)

2. Missing stdout due to job failures


A Missing stdout error from Nextflow config, due to job terminated with a Completed Status that did not execute properly.


Fix the issue of the terminated job and re-run Nextflow

Further Work Required

  1. Add the completed status termination in RescaleTaskHandler.groovy in checkIfCompleted function or
  2. Add a status in Rescale Web to signify termination

3. Missing stdout due to file location


A Missing stdout error from Nextflow config, due to Nextflow unable to locate .nextflow or work directory. Typically occurs if the directories are situated in an incorrect location or directories have been deleted.


Verify .nextflow and work directory are created properly at the place of execution

4. StorageId Missing


Error thrown due to storageId unable to locate from parsing the $HOME directory


  1. Check if storage device is attached
  2. Check if storage device directory is located in the $HOME directory
  3. Check if storage id search pattern is up-to-practices in RescaleJob.groovy

Note: For local execution, manipulate getStorageId to output the desired storageId

5. General advices for analyzing errors


Error thrown with a minimum explanation


Check .nextflow.log generated from nextflow during execution

Example Local Implementation

In example directory, there is a simple nextflow script called The following script implements rescale custom function hifromrescale to showcase how the plugin can be implemented.

To run the example locally with a local Nextflow, configure a local Nextflow build with the following steps:

Note: Follow Step by Step up to step 4

  1. Clone the Nextflow repository in your computer into a sibling directory:

    git clone --depth 1 ../nextflow
  2. Configure the plugin build to use the local Nextflow code:

    echo "includeBuild('../nextflow')" >> settings.gradle

    (Make sure to not add it more than once!)

  3. Compile the plugin alongside the Nextflow code:

    make compile
  4. Check if there is any error by running the unit test

    ./gradlew check
  5. Run Nextflow with the plugin, using ./ as a drop-in replacement for the nextflow command, and adding the option -plugins nf-rescale-hpc to load the plugin:

    Note: Change the getStorageId inside RescaleExecutor.groovy to output the desired storageId of the storage device(HPS) id currently up and running inside Rescale Environment

    ./ run example/ -plugins nf-rescale-hpc

Plugin structure

  • settings.gradle

    Gradle project settings.

  • plugins/nf-rescale-hpc

    The plugin implementation base directory.

  • plugins/nf-rescale-hpc/build.gradle

    Plugin Gradle build file. Project dependencies should be added here.

  • plugins/nf-rescale-hpc/src/resources/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF

    Manifest file defining the plugin attributes e.g. name, version, etc. The attribute Plugin-Class declares the plugin main class. This class should extend the base class nextflow.plugin.BasePlugin e.g. nextflow.hello.HelloPlugin.

  • plugins/nf-rescale-hpc/src/resources/META-INF/extensions.idx

    This file declares one or more extension classes provided by the plugin. Each line should contain the fully qualified name of a Java class that implements the org.pf4j.ExtensionPoint interface (or a sub-interface).

  • plugins/nf-rescale-hpc/src/main

    The plugin implementation sources.

  • plugins/nf-rescale-hpc/src/test

    The plugin unit tests.

Plugin classes

Custom Rescale Classes

  • RescaleExecutor: the custom Rescale Nextflow Executor designed for workflows

  • RescaleTaskHandler: custom TaskHandler responsible for API calls and status tracking

  • RescaleJob: custom class responsible for configuring parameters of a Rescale Job

Existing Classes from nf-hello

  • HelloConfig: shows how to handle options from the Nextflow configuration

  • HelloExtension: shows how to create custom channel factories, operators, and fuctions that can be included into pipeline scripts

  • HelloFactory and HelloObserver: shows how to react to workflow events with custom behavior

  • HelloPlugin: the plugin entry point

Unit testing

To run your unit tests, run the following command in the project root directory (ie. where the file settings.gradle is located):

./gradlew check

Testing and debugging

To build and test the plugin during development, configure a local Nextflow build with the following steps:

  1. Clone the Nextflow repository in your computer into a sibling directory:

    git clone --depth 1 ../nextflow
  2. Configure the plugin build to use the local Nextflow code:

    echo "includeBuild('../nextflow')" >> settings.gradle

    (Make sure to not add it more than once!)

  3. Compile the plugin alongside the Nextflow code:

    make compile
  4. Run Nextflow with the plugin, using ./ as a drop-in replacement for the nextflow command, and adding the option -plugins nf-rescale-hpc to load the plugin:

    ./ run nextflow-io/hello -plugins nf-rescale-hpc

Testing without Nextflow build

The plugin can be tested without using a local Nextflow build using the following steps:

  1. Build the plugin: make buildPlugins
  2. Copy build/plugins/<your-plugin> to $HOME/.nextflow/plugins
  3. Create a pipeline that uses your plugin and run it: nextflow run ./

Package, upload, and publish

The project should be hosted in a GitHub repository whose name matches the name of the plugin, that is the name of the directory in the plugins folder (e.g. nf-rescale-hpc).

Follow these steps to package, upload and publish the plugin:

  1. Create a file named in the project root containing the following attributes (this file should not be committed to Git):

    • github_organization: the GitHub organisation where the plugin repository is hosted.
    • github_username: The GitHub username granting access to the plugin repository.
    • github_access_token: The GitHub access token required to upload and commit changes to the plugin repository.
    • github_commit_email: The email address associated with your GitHub account.
  2. Use the following command to package and create a release for your plugin on GitHub:

    ./gradlew :plugins:nf-rescale-hpc:upload
  3. Create a pull request against nextflow-io/plugins to make the plugin accessible to Nextflow.


Rescale Nextflow Plug-in



Apache-2.0, Apache-2.0 licenses found

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