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Continuous Integration

rosaliafx edited this page Apr 11, 2015 · 8 revisions

Running Rosalia on CI sever usually takes 2 steps:

Step 1: obtaining Rosalia CLI

You normally would not store Rosalia.exe in the source control, so in order to run the build it is necessary to get Rosalia CLI and dependecies. The easiest way to do it is using nuget. If you use package restore feature then the NuGet.exe is already in the source control, in directory like Src/.nuget, so you can run (assuming work dir is Src/.nuget):

NuGet.exe install Rosalia -Prerelease -ExcludeVersion -OutputDirectory "../../tools"

-ExcludeVersion flag ensures that version number will not be added to the Rosalia package directory, so the path to Rosalia.exe will be the same for any version.

-OutputDirectory specifies the path for package installation. NuGet will create the directory if it does not exist.

Step 2: running the build

Once you have Rosalia.exe you can run the build with command:

tools\Rosalia\Rosalia.exe Src\MySolution.Build.csproj

Note that you pass a path to a csproj file, not to a dll. This will force Rosalia to build the process itself first and then run it.