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Liz Howard edited this page Oct 13, 2017 · 2 revisions

Welcome to the standards wiki!

The most complete sets of standards are in JavaScript and SQL. The rest are still in alpha.

The schema is as follows:

Standard: A skill description, featuring a knowledge-level verb. Description: A deeper description that discusses the boundaries of this skill. Objectives: Descriptions of components of an assessment (or series of assessments) that constitute a fully covered standard Slug: a unique shorthand string for tagging educational materials that relate to this standard

Getting Started:

Add a bulleted list of Standards to a Course on the file for a Topic (top-level folder) and filing a PR will generate a file for each standard. Look at the slug and shorten it, and add objectives to describe what complete coverage of the standard is. Ensure there is a knowledge-level verb that describes what level of understanding one will need to demonstrate.

For now the discussion/merge process is:

Add the label Ready for Review and the community will begin to comment, once a general consensus has been reached the PR will be merged.

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