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A responsive web application that displays the weather and a picture of a city given by users using third-party APIs

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Weather-Journal App Project


This project lets you type in a city/country name and then prints out the city, a picture of the city, the weather, and a message about flights to that city. All you need to do is type in a city and a country name.

Technologies used:

  • HTTP requests
  • Javascript
  • Three third-party APIs
  • Sass/CSS
  • webpack
  • HTML
  • Git

Notes on the file structure

  • The index.js file is my entry point for webpack
  • The other three .js files in the js folder are for the APIs and HTTP requests
  • I have three .scss files in the styles folder

Instructions to Install

Obtain API Keys

In order for this app to work, API access to the following APIs is required:

  • Dark Sky API
  • Pixabay API
  • Geonames API

Upon obtaining access to the above APIs:

  • Place the Pixabay API key in the getImage.js file in the specificed places
  • Place the Geonames username and Dark Sky API key in the getWeather.js file in the specified places

Spin up the server

To spin up the Express server

  1. navigate the command prompt to the project repo folder (capstone-project-sub)
  2. enter the following into the command line:

node server //starts the server, should run at localhost port 8000

Install the dependencies

Below are the following things that need to be installed using the command line. I have included the necessary npm scripts for the corresponding dependency. Look at the column entitled "npm script" below.

  1. Type or copy/paste each line one at a time into the command line while in the project repo folder (capstone-project-sub).

  2. After each line, press "Enter" to install that specific dependency(ies).

  3. Once it's finished installing, repeat step 1 and 2 until all dependencies have been installed:

Dependency names and npm scripts:

babel-loader | npm i -D @babel/core @babel/preset-env babel-loader

webpack | npm i webpack

webpack-cli | npm i webpack-cli

webpack-dev-server | npm i webpack-dev-server

sass-loader | npm i -D sass-loader node-sass

css-loader | npm i -D css-loader

style-loader | npm i -D style-loader

jest | npm install --save-dev jest-webpack

html-loader | npm i html-loader

file-loader | npm i file-loader

babel-polyfill | npm i babel-polyfill

html-webpack-plugin | npm i html-webpack-plugin

mini-css-extract-plugin| npm i mini-css-extract-plugin

terser-webpack-plugin | npm i terser-webpack-plugin

optimizeCssAssetsWebpackPlugin| npm i optimize-css-assets-webpack-plugin

workbox-webpack-plugin | npm i workbox-webpack-plugin

Run the program

  1. Once all dependencies have been installed, type the following into the command line to run this program:

npm run build-dev //builds the development env and the program itself

npm run build-prod //builds the production environment

Test the program

  1. Run the following npm script to run the tests:

npm run test


A responsive web application that displays the weather and a picture of a city given by users using third-party APIs







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