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Add batch act/shield HTML summary template
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wcjohns committed Sep 9, 2024
1 parent 9c205e6 commit b80bb36
Showing 1 changed file with 260 additions and 0 deletions.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,260 @@


<meta charset="UTF-8" />
<title>Summary Results</title>

<!-- <script src=""></script> -->
{{ D3_JS }}

{{ SpectrumChart_JS }}

<!-- Some styles for our page here -->
table.ResultTable {
border-collapse: collapse; /* Ensures that the borders are not doubled */

.ResultTable th, .ResultTable td {
border: 1px solid black; /* Adds a border to each cell */
padding-left: 8px;
padding-right: 8px;
padding-top: 4px;
padding-bottom: 4px;
text-align: left; /* Aligns text to the left */

.ResultTable th {
background-color: #f2f2f2; /* adds a background color to the header cells */

.ResultTable tbody tr:nth-child(even) {
background-color: #eaf4f7; /* a slight background for odd rows */

.ResultTable tbody tr:nth-child(odd) {
background-color: #ffffff; /* White background for even rows */

table.InfoTable {

.InfoTable th, .InfoTable td {
text-align: left; /* Aligns text to the left */

.InfoTable td {
padding-right: 10px;

<!-- D3-based spectrum chart styling -->
{{ SpectrumChart_CSS }}

<!-- Some CSS to override SpectrumChartD3 defaults -->



<th>Analysis time:</th> <td>{{ AnalysisTime }}</td>
<th>Working dir:</th> <td>{{ CurrentWorkingDirectory }}</td>
<th>Exe build date:</th> <td>{{ InterSpecCompileDateIso }}</td>
{% if exists("InterSpecExecutablePath") %}
<th>Exe path:</th> <td>{{ InterSpecExecutablePath }}</td>
{% endif %}
<th>Exemplar File:</th>
{{ ExemplarFile }} {% if exists("ExemplarSampleNumbers") %}, exemplar samples: {{ ExemplarSampleNumbers }}{% endif %}

## for file in Files
<div class="FileInfo">
<h1 class="title">
Results for {{ file.Filename }}

<div id="specchart_{{loop.index1}}" style="height: 20vw; width: 75vw; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;">

let spec_chart_{{loop.index1}} = new SpectrumChartD3( 'specchart_{{loop.index1}}', {
'title': '', 'xlabel' : 'Energy (keV)', 'ylabel': 'Counts'
} );

let spec_observer_{{loop.index1}} = new ResizeObserver(entries => {
for (let entry of entries) {
if ( && ( === "specchart_{{loop.index1}}")) {
spec_observer_{{loop.index1}}.observe( document.getElementById("specchart_{{loop.index1}}") );

const spectrum_json_{{loop.index1}} = { "spectra": [{{ file.foreground.spectrum }} {% if existsIn(file,"background") %}, {{ file.background.spectrum }} {% endif %}] };

spec_chart_{{loop.index1}}.setData( spectrum_json_{{loop.index1}} );
spec_chart_{{loop.index1}}.setLogY( true );

<div id="GeneralInfo">
<ul style="list-style-type: none; padding: 0; margin: 0;">
<table class="InfoTable">
<th>Live Time:</th>
{{ printFixed(file.foreground.LiveTime_s,3) }} seconds ({{ file.foreground.LiveTime }})
<th>Real Time:</th>
{{ printFixed(file.foreground.RealTime_s,3) }} seconds ({{ file.foreground.RealTime }})
<th>Dead Time:</th>
{{ printFixed(file.foreground.DeadTime_percent,2) }}%

<th>Meas. Time:</th>
{% if file.foreground.StartTimeIsValid %}
{{ file.foreground.StartTime }}
{% else %}
Not Available
{% endif %}
<th>Gamma Sum:</th>
<td> {{ printCompact(file.foreground.GammaSum,6) }} counts</td>
<th>Gamma CPS:</th>
<td> {{ printCompact(file.foreground.GammaCps,5) }}</td>

{% if file.foreground.HasNeutrons %}
<th>Neutron Count:</th>
<td> file.foreground.NeutronSum </td>

<th>Neut. Live Time:</th>
<td> file.foreground.NeutronLiveTime </td>

<th>Neutron CPS:</th>
<td> {{ printFixed(file.foreground.NeutronCps,4) }} </td>
{% endif %}

{% if existsIn(file.foreground,"SpectrumTitle") %}
<td colspan="3"> {{ file.foreground.SpectrumTitle }} </td>
{% endif %}

<td> {% if existsIn(file.foreground,"Manufacturer") %} {{ file.foreground.Manufacturer }} {% else %} -- {% endif %} </td>

<th>Det. Type:</th>
<td> {% if existsIn(file.foreground,"DetectorType") %} {{ file.foreground.DetectorType }} {% else %} -- {% endif %} </td>

<th>Inst. Model:</th>
<td> {% if existsIn(file.foreground,"InstrumentModel") %} {{ file.foreground.InstrumentModel }} {% else %} -- {% endif %} </td>

<th>Serial Number:</th>
<td> {% if existsIn(file.foreground,"SerialNumber") %} {{ file.foreground.SerialNumber }} {% else %} -- {% endif %} </td>
{% if file.foreground.HasGps %}
<td colspan="2"> <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" href="{{ printFixed(file.foreground.Latitude,7) }},{{ printFixed(file.foreground.Longitude,7) }}">{{ printFixed(file.foreground.Latitude,7) }}{{ printFixed(file.foreground.Longitude,7) }}</a> </td>
{% endif %}
{% if file.foreground.HasInstrumentRid %}
<th>Inst. RID:</th>
<td colspan="3"> {{ file.foreground.InstrumentRidSummary }} </td>
{% endif %}
</div> <!-- <div id="GeneralInfo"> -->

<div id="sources" style="margin-top: 25px">
<table class="ActivitySummary ResultTable">
{% if file.AnySourceAgeFit %}
<th>Age Uncert</th>
<th>Age Fit?</th>
{% endif %}
<th>Activity Uncert</th>
<th>Activity Fit?</th>
{% if file.HasTraceSource %}
<th>Trace Src Act.</th>
<th>Trace Src Act. Uncert</th>
<th>Is Trace Src</th>
{% endif %}
## for src in file.Sources
<td> {{ src.Nuclide }} </td>
<td> {{ src.Age }} </td>
{% if file.AnySourceAgeFit %}
<td> {% if src.AgeIsFit %} {{ src.AgeUncert }} {% endif %} </td>
<td> {{ src.AgeIsFit }} </td>
{% endif %}
<td> {{ src.Activity }} </td>
<td> {% if src.ActivityIsFit %} {{ src.ActivityUncert }} {% endif %} </td>
<td> {{ src.ActivityIsFit }} </td>
{% if file.HasTraceSource %}
<td> {% if src.IsTraceSource %} {{src.TraceDisplayActivity}} {% endif %} </td>
<td> {% if src.IsTraceSource and src.ActivityIsFit %} {{ src.TraceDisplayActivityUncert }} {% endif %} </td>
<td> {{ src.IsTraceSource }} </td>
{% endif %}
## endfor
</div> <!-- <div id="sources" style="margin-top: 25px"> -->

<div style="margin-top: 20px">
<ul style="list-style-type: none; padding: 0; margin: 0;">
<li>There were {{ file.NumDof }} parameters fit for</li>
<li>It took {{ file.NumberFcnCalls }} solution trials to reach chi2={{ printCompact(file.FitChi2,5) }} with an estimated distance to minumum of {{ printCompact(file.EstimatedDistanceToMinimum,5) }}</li>
## endfor


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