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Documentation of the RefCoach application

Sebastien Chassande-Barrioz edited this page May 8, 2019 · 1 revision

Purpose of the application

The application is mainly a tool to take notes when you are coaching or assessing referees. It permits to navigate over the coaching done and the referees. The user of the application are the referee coaches. This application could be used by refereees themselves but it is not the target. Without sharing, sensistive data are protected and isolated and only reachable by its author.


Referee database

In order to simplify, the coaching of the referee, the application contains a referee database shared between all users. You can add new referee at any time. Massive imports of referees are possible, but this feature is reserved to administrator.

Levels database

The application contains the definition of referee levels from Europe, Australia and New Zealand. The level database is shared between all coaches. The users granted as profile admin can manage level definitions through the application itself.

Coaching a Game

To coach a game, first you set some characteristics of the game: competition names, date/time, fields. You select 1, 2 or 3 referees from the database. Now you can start coaching. The coaching note is based on two types of notes: the strenghts and the axis of improvement. For each, you can indicate:

  • if it correspond to the first or the second half
  • if you deliver the message during your feedback
  • a priroty

A strength is composed by a short description and a full description. The axis of improvment are based on the PRO principle (Problem, Remedy, Outcome). As for the strenghts, you set a short description. The full description is in the 3 parts of the PRO.

The coaching note can be received by email if you are online. It will help the coach to build its written report after a competition/game.

The author of coaching can share it with other users. It is a first step towards the progressive coaching.

PRO library

The best feature of the application is the PRO library (PRO = Problem, Remedy, Outcome). As coach you often see the same problem and you often say the same thing to different referees. The PRO library permits you to store your PRO definitions and to reuse it, simply by searching with keywords. Each coach builds it own PRO library with its own words.

Referee Assessment

The application permits also to assess a referee. It is based on referee level definitions . You can ask to receive the assessment sheet by email. You will receive a html web page by email.

How to install it?

  1. Visit the web site
  2. On first run, choose an existing user or create your own account
  3. To work offline, you need to install the application by clicking on the button 'install application' on home page.

How to send feedback?

Simply write an email to [email protected] (English or French). The author will try to take in account your suggestions in next versions.

Is it free ?

Yes, the application is free to use and the source code is open source under LGPL licence. Noboby is allowed to sale the application or service over the application.

About the author

Sebastien is involved in Touch since 2001, in referee since 2005. He is referee coach and referee presenter since 2008. He is retired from field since the Touch World Cup 2015. Now he is full time coach and course presenter in Europe.