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Prometheus Cookbook

This is an opinionated cookbook to run prometheus in a production environment. Defaults are written to /etc/default and everything runs under the prometheus user.


Debian based Linux Distribution using Systemd such as:

  • Ubuntu 16.04
  • Ubuntu 18.04

Resources and Providers


Install or configure or start the Prometheus service using this resource.


  • create - Downloads Prometheus and installs it in /opt/prometheus/bin. This action also starts prometheus.


Attribute Type Description Default Required
version String Version of Prometheus to install 2.16.0 Yes
checksum String sha256 sum of the binary release Yes
uri String URI to Download Prometheus from Yes
home_dir String Home directory for prometheus user /opt/prometheus Yes
cookbook String Indicated which cookbook holds prometheus.conf.erb prometheus Yes
filename String The filename of the downloaded archive from the uri Yes
pathname String The path created by the downloaded archive after being extracted Yes
arguments Array Command line arguments to start prometheus with ['--config.file="/etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml"'] Yes
template_name String Filename of the template for /etc/default/prometheus prometheus.erb Yes
cookbook String Indicated which cookbook holds prometheus.conf.erb prometheus Yes


Attribute Type Description Default Required
version String Version of Alertmanager to install 0.20.0 Yes
checksum String Checksum of Alertmanager tarball 5f17155d669a8d2243b0d179fa46e609e0566876afd0afb09311a8bc7987ab15 Yes
uri String URI to Download Alertmanager From Yes
home_dir String Home Directory for Prometheus User /opt/prometheus Yes
filename String The filename of the downloaded archive from the uri Yes
pathname String The path created by the downloaded archive after being extracted Yes
cookbook String Cookbook name that holds the prometheus.erb template prometheus Yes
template_name String Template name if you don't want to use prometheus.erb prometheus.erb Yes
arguments String Arguments to start Alertmanager with --config.file="/etc/prometheus/alertmanager.yml" Yes


Attribute Type Description Default Required
checksum String sha256sum of the exporter tarball Yes
uri String URI to Download the exporter from Yes
filename String The filename of the downloaded archive from the uri Yes
pathname String The path created by the downloaded archive after being extracted Yes
cookbook String Name of the cookbook that holds the prometheus.erb template prometheus Yes
template_name String Name of the template to be used to create /etc/default/prometheus-$example prometheus.erb Yes
arguments Array Command line arguments to start the exporter with [] Yes
home_dir String Home directory for the prometheus user /opt/prometheus Yes
binaries Array List of the binaries to be installed for the exporter to function [] Yes
start_command String Name of the binary to start the exporter
dsn String If using the mysqld exporter use this to set your data source No


This cookbook will help you monitor your systems using Prometheus. An example is below

directory "/etc/prometheus" do
  action :create
cookbook_file "/etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml" do
  source "prometheus.yml"
dummynodes=[{"labels"=>{"job"=>"node"}, "targets"=>["localhost:9100"]}]
file "/etc/prometheus/targets.json" do
  content dummynodes.to_json
cookbook_file '/etc/prometheus/rules1.rules' do
  source 'rules1.rules'
prometheus_monitor "default" do
  version "2.16.0"
  action :create
  uri ''
  checksum 'c04e631d18e186b66a51cac3062157298e037ffae784f35ccaaf29e496d65d3f'
  filename 'prometheus-2.16.0.linux-amd64.tar.gz'
  pathname 'prometheus-2.16.0.linux-amd64'
  arguments ["--config.file='/etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml'","--storage.tsdb.retention=30d"]
  action :create
service "prometheus_restart" do
service_name "prometheus"
action :start
provider Chef::Provider::Service::Systemd
subscribes :restart, "template[/etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml", :delayed

Further examples can be found here

License and Author

Author:: Scott Likens (

Copyright 2020 Scott M. Likens

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.


Automate deploying Prometheus with Chef







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