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Spec Runner Templates

klieber edited this page Feb 25, 2013 · 9 revisions

The jasmine-maven-plugin uses a simple templating system for generating a Jasmine Spec Runner. The plugin comes with some built-in templates. You can use one of these built-in templates using the specRunnerTemplate parameter. Here is a list of the current built-in templates:

  • DEFAULT : this is the default runner, it simply loads the preloads, then the sources, and finally the specs. Then it adds an onload event to execute jasmine.
  • REQUIRE_JS : this runner provides support for require.js. It expects you to wrap each of your specs in a define so that require.js dependencies can be pulled in.

Custom Runner Templates

If the built-in templates do not suit your needs you can write a custom template. You simply omit the specRunnerTemplate parameter and instead use the customRunnerTemplate parameter to specify the location of your template file. The template system is based on StringTemplate template engine so you may want to familiarize yourself with it. I would recommend starting with one of the built-in templates above and then modifying it to suit your needs rather than writing the template from scratch.

Template Variables

The following variables are available for use in your custom template:

  • cssDependencies : includes all the styles needed for the Jasmine HtmlReporter.
  • javascriptDependencies : includes all the javascript for jasmine.
  • cssDependencies : includes all the styles needed for the Jasmine HtmlReporter.
  • reporter : the name of the jasmine reporter being used. This will be HtmlReporter during the jasmine:bdd goal and JsApiReporter during the jasmine:test goal.
  • sourceEncoding : the encoding to be used in the runner.
  • preloadScriptTags : this renders script tags for each of the scripts specified using the preloadSources parameter.
  • sourceScriptTags : this renders script tags for each of the sources found in the directory specified using the jsSrcDir parameter.
  • specScriptTags : this renders script tags for each of the specs found in the directory specified using the jsTestSrcDir parameter.
  • allScriptTags : this is a convenience variable the renders script tags for the preloads, then the sources, and finally the specs.
  • preloadsList : this renders a javascript array containing each of the scripts specified using the preloadSources parameter.
  • sourcesList : this renders a javascript array containing each of the sources found in the directory specified using the jsSrcDir parameter.
  • specsList : this renders a javascript array containing each of the specs found in the directory specified using the jsTestSrcDir parameter.
  • allScriptsList : this renders a javascript array containg all the scripts in the following order: preloads, sources, specs.
  • sourceDir : the path to the sources when deployed to the jetty server. Should be the same as the srcDirectoryName parameter.
  • specDir : the path to the specs when deployed to the jetty server. Should be the same as the specDirectoryName parameter.
  • customRunnerConfiguration : this renders the contents of the file specified by the customRunnerConfiguration parameter. Use this is you want to provide a way for adding some external customization to you template. It is most likely not that useful though if you are already writing a custom template.

These variables were used in older versions of the plugin and have been kept for backwards compatibility. They should be considered deprecated and will be removed in a later version of the plugin.

  • sources : this is a synonym for the allScriptTags variable. If you have a template using this variable you should replace it with allScriptTags.
  • priority : this is a synonym for the preloadsList variable. If you have a template using this variable you should replace it with preloadsList.
  • requirejsPath : this will be the full path to the script loader specified using the scriptLoaderPath parameter (which is also deprecated). Instead of using this variable you should just include your script loader as a preload source and then use the preloadScriptTags variable.
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