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nix-npm-buildpackage - build nix packages that use npm/yarn packages

You can use buildNpmPackage/buildYarnPackage to:

  • use a packages-lock.json/yarn.lock file to:
    • download the dependencies to the nix store
    • build an offline npm/yarn cache that uses those
  • build a nix package from the npm/yarn package


{ pkgs ? import <nixpkgs> {} }:
  bp = pkgs.callPackage .../nix-npm-buildpackage {};
in ...
bp.buildNpmPackage { src = ./.; npmBuild = "npm run build"; }
bp.buildYarnPackage { src = ./.; }

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nix-npm-buildpackage is maintained and funded with ❤️ by Serokell. The names and logo for Serokell are trademark of Serokell OÜ.

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