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Fast, Tiny, & Good SublimeText-like fuzzy search for JavaScript.

Sublime's fuzzy search is... sublime. I wish everything used it. So here's an open source js version.

  • Fast - 1ms to search 13,000 files.
  • Tiny - 1 file, 5kb. 0 dependencies.
  • Good - clean api + sorts results well.

Installation Node

npm install fuzzysort
const fuzzysort = require("fuzzysort");
import fuzzysort from "fuzzysort";

Installation Browser

<script src="[email protected]/fuzzysort.min.js"></script>

Most Common Usage

fuzzysort.go(search, targets, options=null)

const mystuff = [{ file: "Monitor.cpp" }, { file: "MeshRenderer.cpp" }];
const results = fuzzysort.go("mr", mystuff, { key: "file" });
// [{score:-18, obj:{file:'MeshRenderer.cpp'}}, {score:-6009, obj:{file:'Monitor.cpp'}}]


fuzzysort.go(search, targets, options=null)

const results = fuzzysort.go("mr", ["Monitor.cpp", "MeshRenderer.cpp"]);
// [{score: -18, target: "MeshRenderer.cpp"}, {score: -6009, target: "Monitor.cpp"}]
fuzzysort.go(search, targets, {
  threshold: -Infinity, // Don't return matches worse than this (higher is faster)
  limit: Infinity, // Don't return more results than this (lower is faster)
  all: false, // If true, returns all results for an empty search

  key: null, // For when targets are objects (see its example usage)
  keys: null, // For when targets are objects (see its example usage)
  scoreFn: null, // For use with `keys` (see its example usage)

What is a result

const result = fuzzysort.single("query", "some string that contains my query.");
// exact match returns a score of 0. lower is worse
result.score; // -59; // some string that contains my query.
result.obj; // reference to your original obj when using options.key
fuzzysort.highlight(result, "<b>", "</b>"); // some string that contains my <b>query</b>.

How To Go Fast · Performance Tips

let targets = [{ file: "Monitor.cpp" }, { file: "MeshRenderer.cpp" }];

// filter out targets that you don't need to search! especially long ones!
targets = targets.filter((t) => t.file.length < 1000);

// if your targets don't change often, provide prepared targets instead of raw strings!
targets.forEach((t) => (t.filePrepared = fuzzysort.prepare(t.file)));

// don't use options.key if you don't need a reference to your original obj
targets = => t.filePrepared);

const options = {
  limit: 100, // don't return more results than you need!
  threshold: -10000, // don't return bad results
fuzzysort.go("gotta", targets, options);
fuzzysort.go("go", targets, options);
fuzzysort.go("fast", targets, options);

Advanced Usage

Search a list of objects, by multiple fields, with custom weights.

let objects = [
  { title: "Favorite Color", desc: "Chrome" },
  { title: "Google Chrome", desc: "Launch Chrome" },
let results = fuzzysort.go("chr", objects, {
  keys: ["title", "desc"],
  // Create a custom combined score to sort by. -100 to the desc score makes it a worse match
  scoreFn: (a) =>
    Math.max(a[0] ? a[0].score : -1000, a[1] ? a[1].score - 100 : -1000),

var bestResult = results[0];
// When using multiple `keys`, results are different. They're indexable to get each normal result
fuzzysort.highlight(bestResult[0]); // 'Google <b>Chr</b>ome'
fuzzysort.highlight(bestResult[1]); // 'Launch <b>Chr</b>ome'
bestResult.obj.title; // 'Google Chrome'



  • Added new behavior when your search contains spaces!
  • Added fuzzysort.min.js
  • Now depends on ES6 features
  • Removed result.indexes & Added fuzzysort.indexes (improved GC performance)
  • Completely Removed options.allowTypo
  • Completely Removed fuzzysort.goAsync
  • Completely Removed
  • Rewrote the demo


  • Even faster
  • Added options.all
  • Deprecated/Removed options.allowTypo
  • Deprecated/Removed fuzzysort.goAsync
  • Changed scoring: boosted substring matches
  • Changed scoring: targets with too many beginning indexes lose points for being a bad target
  • Changed scoring: penality for not starting near the beginning
  • Changed scoring: penality for more groups
  • Fixed "Exponential backtracking hangs browser"


  • Added fuzzysort.highlight(result, callback)


  • Added allowTypo as an option


  • Inverted scores; they're now negative instead of positive, so that higher scores are better
  • Added ability to search objects by key/keys with custom weights
  • Removed the option to automatically highlight and exposed fuzzysort.highlight
  • Removed all options from fuzzysort and moved them into fuzzysort.go optional params


  • init


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  • TypeScript 99.5%
  • JavaScript 0.5%