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Matt Muller edited this page Apr 12, 2024 · 6 revisions

Paginators are classes that provide an abstraction for paginating operations. These classes provide enumerators that will automatically iterate the paginated responses and items. Paginators have a 1:1 mapping to Smithy operation shapes modeled with the pagination trait.

@paginated(inputToken: "nextToken", outputToken: "nextToken",
           pageSize: "maxResults", items: "highScores")
operation ListHighScores {
    input: ListHighScoresInput,
    output: ListHighScoresOutput


Paginator classes must take an instance of the Client, params for the operation, and optionally any override options for the operation. Modeled param members are generally used to control page size and max items returned. The class has up to two methods, pages and items, which will return Enumerator objects for output pages and each item, respectively. The items method will only exist if the trait defines the items property.

client = '')
# => #<HighScoreService::Client ... >

# Must be passed params and optionally any options for list_high_scores
params = {}
options = {}
paginator =, params, options)
# => #<HighScoreService::Paginators::ListHighScores ... >

# => #<Enumerator: ... >
# => #<Enumerator: ... >

paginator.pages each do |page|
  # do something with each page (Hearth::Output)

paginator.items each do |item|
  # do something with each item (Types::HighScoreAttributes)