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Kirby x Steady

Kirby x Steady

Kirby meets Steady. A plugin for Kirby Version 4 and later and php >= 8.2. Connect your Kirby site to your Steady publication. Request data for your publication from the Steady API.


  1. Access the API: Site method $site->steady() or steady()-helper to request publication, plans, subscriptions and newsletter subscribers for use in templates, snippets or everywhere else
  2. Steady reports: Stay up to date with Steady Reports in a Panel section
  3. Display your Plans: Add your Steady Plans as $block or $snippet to your Website.
  4. Let your Content be worth it: Add a Paywall $block to your articles or pages.
  5. Adblock detection: Activate Adblocker detection and display the Steady Adblock Overlay.
  6. Member Login: Let your members login to your Steady publication, to deactivate the paywall for them.
  7. Hidden Steady Area: Simple overview of Steady stats, Plugin configuration status and Plugin docs.



Simply install the plugin with composer.
Follow the instructions in the setup section.

composer require soerenengels/kirby-steady


Download, unzip and copy this repository to /site/plugins/kirby-steady. Follow the instructions in the setup section.


git submodule add site/plugins/kirby-steady


To use this plugin, add your required REST API-Key in your config.php. Keep the key secure.

return [
  // ...
  'options' => [
    'soerenengels.steady' => [
      'token' => '...', // Instead of ... use your API key

You also have following options in your config.php:

return [
  'options' => [
    'soerenengels.steady' => [
      // OPTIONAL
      // Change to true, if you want to use login button, paywall, floating button or adblock detection.
      // If set to true, you also need to add the snippet('components/steady/widget') to your websites head
      'widget' => false


Site method: $site->steady()

The site method $site->steady() or the Steady helper function steady() give you access to the Steady Class and its following methods:

  • ->publication()
  • ->plans()
  • ->subscriptions()
  • ->newsletter_subscribers()
  • ->report($id)
  • ->widgets()


The widgets() method gives you access to an Widgets object. By calling ->adblock(), ->floatingButton() or paywall() you have further access to the isActive() method. It returns a boolean, if the plugins 'widget' option is set to true AND the widget is activated in the Steady backend.

Panel: Steady-Area

Behind the panel route /panel/steady you'll find the hidden Steady panel area. In the tabs you find the available stats about you Steady publication, the status of the widgets in Steady backend aswell as the plugins config setting and an overview over the $steady-API and its available methods.

Panel: Steady-Reports

Simply add Steady reports to your panel via a the stats section or as individual reports.
Following reports are available:

  • Members
  • Newsletter Subscriptions
  • Monthly Revenue

Example: Usage of the Steady Reports in a custom stats section

    type: stats
    label: My Custom Steady reports
    size: huge
      # For total members report
      # For newsletter subscribers report
      # For monthly revenue report

$block Plans

You can simply add a Steady: Plans $block by adding it to your fieldsets.

You can use the predefined Snippets in /snippets/components/steady/*.php to render following components:

  • All public Plans
  • A single plan by $id

Example: Add Plans $block to your fieldsets

        # ...
        type: blocks
          - steady_plans
          - ...

Example: Display all plans or a single plan via a $snippet

// Display all plans
snippet('components/steady/plans', [
  'plans' => $steady->plans()->plans // array of Plan objects
// Display a single plan by id
snippet('components/steady/plan', [
  'plan' => $steady->plans()->find($id) // Plan object

Style your plans

The styling of the plans is up to you. For the HTML markup structure and classes see /snippets/components/steady/plans.php and /snippets/components/steady/plan.php. If you want to change the markup of the plans, you can overwrite those components by creating a new file in /site/snippets/components/steady/{name-of-file-you-want-to-overwrite}.php.


To use the Steady Paywall block, you need to activate it (1) in your Publications Steady settings (Integrations > Steady Paywall), add it (2) to your blocks fieldsets and integrate (3) the Steady Javascript Widget in your websites <head>...</head>.

Example: Add Paywall to your blocks fieldsets

        # ...
        type: blocks
          - steady_paywall
          - ...
// /site/config/config.php
return [
  'soerenengels.kirby-steady.widget' => true,

Adblock detection

If you have set the widget option to true in the config.php options, you can configure the Steady Adblock detection at your publication settings on the Steady website.

Snippet: Login button

If you have set the widget option to true in the config.php options, you can integrate the Steady login button on your website via a snippet.

Visitors, who have not logged in on your website already, see this button. After they click it, a login page opens. Visitors, who are logged in already, can logout themselves with the same button.

Example: Add the Steady Login button to your Website

// Default: $data = ['size' => 'medium', 'language' => 'en']

// Custom
snippet('components/steady/login', [
  'size' => 'small',
  'language' => 'de'

Warning: Do not use the Steady login button, if you implement the OAuth2-Flow manually. The button is programmed, that it works together with the Steady Javascript widget and shall not be used with a manual OAuth flow, as Steady states.


  • fix-cache: Privacy by Design: Try to prevent saving unnecessary data in cache.
  • feature-checkout Integrate Steady Checkout with checkout_url, checkout_snippet and checkout_thanks
  • feature-oauth: see, connect steady users to kirby users
  • feature-webhook: Webhook for new Steady Subscriptions

Available Translations

  • English
  • German




Sören Engels