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System taskbar (popup notification message) integration

gfoyle edited this page Jul 15, 2015 · 1 revision

I'm using Translate-shell to send translation to Debian Openbox System Notification popup message (libnotify-bin and xsel debian packages used)

#!/usr/bin/env bash
notify-send -u critical "$(xsel -o)" "$(/home/user/myDocs/sw/translate-shell/build/trans -b :uk $(xsel -o))"

Above listed bash script allows to send selected text and translation to system notification popup bar. I have used openbox rc.xml to create keybinding to this script

<keybind key="A-5">
  <action name="Execute">

Another idea is to send selected text and translation to the customer dictionary file for future review and integration to "Flash Cards".

BR, Oleksandr

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