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Topic-Aware Abstractive Summarization

Integrate Keywords attention mechanism to A Deep Reinforced Model for Abstraction Summarization

Model Description

  • Intra-temporal encoder and Intra-decoder attention for handling repeated words
  • Pointer mechanism for handling out-of-vocabulary (OOV) words
  • Self-critic policy gradient training along with MLE training
  • Sharing decoder weights with word embedding

Setup Project Env

  • Create a virtual environment: virtualenv -p python3 venv
  • Configure venv path in
  • Start/Stop venv: source, source
  • Install libraries: pip install -r requirement.txt

Server SSH Connetion

  • Configure ssh user (eg. user@server) in
  • Connect to server: ./ connect 8888
  • Disconnect from server: ./ disconnect 8888


  • Download and extract CNN/Daily Mail Q/A dataset from here
  • Use these following utils to generate data:
    • data/ to generate datasets (train, validation, test set)
      • Preprocess data - python --opt preprocess --input_dir
        • input_dir - CNN/Daily Mail dataset folder
      • Generate data: python --opt generate --input_dir --output_dir [--validation_test_fraction]
        • input_dir - CNN/Daily Mail dataset folder
        • output_dir - output folder to write the generated files
        • validation_test_fraction - fraction of validation and test set. Default: 0.10
    • data/ to generate vocabulary from generated dataset
      • python --files article.txt summary.txt [--fname] [--max_vocab] [--dir_out]
        • fname - vocabulary file name. Default: vocab.txt
        • max_vocab - maximum vocabulary words. Default: -1
        • dir_out - output directory. Default: data/extract
    • data/ to extract a set of examples from given dataset

Word Embedding

  • Download Glove word embedding from here
  • Use data/ to generate the embedding file to be used for model
    • python --file glove.6B.100d.txt [--dir_out] [--fname]
      • dir_out - output directory. Default: data/extract
      • fname - output file name. Default: embedding.bin


  • All configurations for training and evaluating can be found in main/conf folder. File conf.yml is for parameter configuration and logging.yml is for logging configuration.
    • main/conf/eval for evaluation
    • main/conf/train for training

Common Parameters

Parameter Description
emb-size Size of word embedding
emb-file Glove word embedding. If not set, the embedding will be learned during training
enc-hidden-size Size of encoder hidden state
dec-hidden-size Size of decoder hidden state
max-enc-steps Maximum length of article
max-dec-steps Maximum length of summary
vocab-size Size of vocabulary
vocab-file Vocabulary file
intra-dec-attn To enable intra-decoder attention
pointer-generator To enable Pointer-Generator
share-dec-weight To enable sharing decoder weights
device Device to be used (e.g. cpu, cuda:0)
    enable To enable logging
    conf-file Path of logging config file. Default: logging.yml in the same directory of config.yml

Training Parameters

Parameter Description
epoch Number of epoch
batch-size Size of batch
log-batch To enable logging each batch
log-batch-interval Number of every batchs to be logged
clip-gradient-max-norm Maximum value of gradient
lr Learning rate
lr-decay Ratio to reduce learning rate
lr-decay-epoch To update learning rate based on the lr-decay
    enable To enable ML training
    forcing-ratio Ratio of teacher forcing
    forcing-decay Ratio to reduce forcing-ratio
    enable To enable RL training
    transit-epoch To define which epoch to start RL training
    transit-decay Ratio to decrease the flag to enable RL training
    weight Weight of RL
eval To evaluate the training set after finishing training
tune-emb To tune pretrained word embedding
    enable To enable TensorBoard logging
    log-batch To log each batch
    log-dir Directory to write logging file
article-file Article file
keyword-file Keyword file
summary-file Summary file
load-model-file Path to load pre-trained model
save-model-file Path to save model (including file name)
save-model-per-epoch Number of every epoch to save the model

Evaluation Parameters

Parameter Description
batch-size Size of batch
log-batch To enable logging each batch
log-batch-interval Number of every batchs to be logged
article-file Article file
keyword-file Keyword file
summary-file Summary file
load-model-file Path to load pre-trained model


From the root directory of project:

  • Training: python -m main.train [--conf_file]

    • conf_file - training config file. Default: main/conf/train/config.yml
  • Evaluation: python -m main.evaluate [--conf_file]

    • conf_file - evaluation config file. Default: main/conf/eval/config.yml