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Richard Harcourt edited this page Sep 2, 2016 · 1 revision

Define a binding drilling pattern

  • We use metric mm since thats what most ski boots and bindings (probably all actually) are measured in
  • The ski is oriented on its side, longways in the X axis, tail to the left in negative X and tip in positive X
  • Points in Y are relative - or + to the end to end centre line or middle line down the ski
  • Points in X are relative - or + to the ski boot sole centre line so we can start making a relativity to boot sole length BSL.
  • Points in z are hole depth , Z zero is the top sheet, -z is the depth eg. -z9.0 is a 9mm deep hole below topsheet level
  • toe piece co-ordinates defined clockwise starting from front left screw eg. x-50y-20,x-30y-20 ............ following in order of the csv seperated values any non used values are just consecutive double commas then.....
  • centrescrew (eg Marker Duke) can be another toe reference
  • heel piece co-ordinates defined clockwise starting from front left screw eg. x-50y-20,x-30y-20 ............ following in order of the csv seperated values any non used values are just consecutive double commas then.....
  • screw diameter(s) defined by SD
  • screw length(s) defined by SL
  • From a zero point x0y0 origin, negative values are to the left or down, positive values are to the right or up, logically.....
  • Using the templates from Knut Pohl, they reference x and y values for drilling holes whose origin can be traced back to the BSL ski center zero line and ski mid line. So this should make it easy to do in a spreadsheet for a start to generate co-ordinates for X and Y to be then converted to gcode. However the best way is to take that BSL and binding xy drilling data and build a simple app that generates the gcode / pdf / dxf directly

Binding definition database

  • toe piece co-ordinates defined clockwise starting from front left screw

  • centrescrew (eg Marker Duke) can be another toe reference

  • heel piece co-ordinates defined clockwise wtarting from front left screw

  • screw diameter(s) defined by SD

  • screw length(s) defined by SL (this is Z depth)

  • +y is towards the left of the ski, -y is towards the right

  • +x is to the tip of the ski, -x is to the tail (looking down on top of the ski of course)

  • x0y0 is the ski centre line for ski centre BSL intersecting the ski mid line

  • z0 is the level of the topsheet at the ski center line BSL

    Using Knut Pohl method of defining the co-ordinates on this template, everything is relative to the boot sole centre point to either the heel or toe line on the boot right at the extremity of the plastic sole. This is how we can offset he screw holes relative to the boot sole length.

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