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A Clojure library for building data-driven workflows (dataflows).

Clojars Project

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As flowing-clj is just a prototype, you might prefer trying:


(use 'flowing.core)

(def example-wf
    ; Define a series of steps, which can take 0 or more
    ; arguments. They do not need to be defined in any
    ; particular order.
    ; (The below are dummy examples with Thread/sleep to pretend
    ; to be doing some processing)
    (defstep get-sequence [id]
      (println "Retrieving sequence for id" id)
      (Thread/sleep 1000)
    (defstep alignment [sequence database]
      (println "Aligning" sequence "in" database)
      (Thread/sleep 2000)
      (if (= database "cat")
        (str ">" database " " sequence)))
    (defstep pathways [fasta]
      (println "Finding pathways for" fasta)
      (Thread/sleep 1000)
      { :dog :cat
        :cat :tree
        :fireman :tree})
    (defstep similar [fasta paths]
      (println "Finding similarities in" (count paths) "paths")
      (Thread/sleep 1000)
      [ "tiger" "lion" ])

    ; Now link them together. Links be provided
    ; in any order, but you can only link to an input
    ; parameter once.
    (link "CATGENE15" (:id get-sequence)) ; constant value
    ; Each input parameter linked separately
    (link get-sequence (:sequence alignment))
    (link "cat" (:database alignment))
    ; Same output do multiple destinations
    (link alignment (:fasta pathways))
    (link alignment (:fasta similar))
    ; Steps are executed as soon as all inputs are ready
    ; and in parallell threads, but this link would
    ; cause :similar to run after :alignment
    (link pathways (:paths similar))))

The steps in the workflow will start executing in parallel, as soon as all inputs are received:

Retrieving sequence for id CATGENE15
user=> Aligning GATTAGCAT in cat
Finding pathways for >cat GATTAGCAT
Finding similarities in 3 paths

Outputs can be retrieved from individual steps, while the workflow is running (and after):

(println (wait-for-output get-sequence))

(wait-for-output) is so called as it will block until the step has received all its required inputs and finished executing.

(println (wait-for-output similar))
["tiger" "lion"]

(wait-for-workflow) will ensure all steps are complete, and return a map with all the results values.

(println (wait-for-workflow example-wf))
{ :get-sequence GATTAGCAT, 
  :alignment >cat GATTAGCAT, 
  :pathways {:cat :tree, :dog :cat, :fireman :tree}, 
  :similar [tiger lion] }

How does it work?

(step) create a promise for each input parameter. The body of the step is executed in a future, where it call deref on the inputs so that the step body use the parameters as if passed in normally to a function.

(defstep) is a shortcut for (def foo (step "foo" [x y] ...)), the defined symbol means the step can be referred to during both definition time and after execution.

(link) will deliver the source value to the input promise, looked up as (:inputA foo-step). The source can be either one of the other steps (in which case their future object is passed as-is) or any other expression (which is sent through a delay object).

Both (step) and (link) will return a map. The keys of (step) will correspond to the input parameters, but as keywords. Additional special keys include ::name, ::inputs and ::output. Access these as :flowing.core/name etc., or use the convenience accessor functions (step-name), (inputs) and (output-ref).

The map from (link) contain ::from and ::to showing the quoted source and destination expressions of the link, e.g. (:inputB foo-step).

(workflow) creates a map of the steps, with keys being the keyword version of the defined step name, e.g. :step2. The links are available under the key ::links. While the (workflow) call is not strictly needed to group or execute the steps, it might be required in a future version of this library to be combined with a method like (run-workflow) (issue #1).


Copyright © 2015 Stian Soiland-Reyes

Distributed under the Apache License, version 2.0. See the file LICENSE for details.


This Clojure library is currently an experimental prototype; the API and data structures might change at any time. To influence this project, feel free to contribute by raising pull requests or adding issues.


Flowing - Define and execute workflows in Clojure







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