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Commercial Website for company Stass (LJB Konfektion AB).

Getting Started

Project uses Gulp to build and serve content from source files in /src.

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development. See Deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on Github Pages.



  • npm install


  • npm start Runs gulp script (defined in ./gulpfile.js) gulp watch, using local gulp install; Builds and serves content at localhost:3000. Watches for changes in /src

  • npm run build Runs gulp script (defined in ./gulpfile.js) gulp build, using local gulp install; Builds and packages project for deployment in /dist


Website is currently deployed to Github Pages from gh-pages branch – through a worktree in the /dist folder.

To deploy:

  1. git clone (get the files)
  2. navigate to project root
  3. git worktree add dist gh-pages (set up git worktree, and gh-pages upstream)
  4. (make changes to src, commit to master, etc.)
  5. gulp build (build and package for production)
  6. navigate to /dist (make sure the branch changes to gh-pages when in /dist)
  7. git add, commit and push to gh-pages branch:
    1. git add .
    2. git commit
    3. git push origin gh-pages

Useful commands

  • When commiting for production at gh-pages branch – in the commit message, it is preferred to reference the master commit (hash) from which the build is produced from, e.g.:
// put master's commit hash in variable $commithash
set commithash (git log '--format=format:%H' master -1)

// check the hash is correct
echo $commithash

// commit with hash in the message
git commit -m "Build output as of $commithash"
  • Handling git worktree:
    • git worktree list see present worktrees
    • git worktree prune remove local worktrees
    • git worktree add -b new_branch_name dist set up worktree with new branch into dist-folder

Built With

  • Gulp - Build system
  • SCSS - CSS preprocessor
  • PostCSS - CSS postprocessor
    • (with various plugins)


Designed and built by Robin Andersson.


Commercial website for company Stass






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