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NvChad Customised

Cute Dashboard (Customised)


Ready to work for these types of projects

  • React, Javascript, Typescript
  • Astro
  • Markdown
  • Lua
  • html
  • css

Install Pre-requisites

  • Install Nvim 0.9.5
  • git clone ~/.config/nvim && nvim
  • Nerd Font as your terminal font. Make sure the nerd font you set doesn't end with Mono to prevent small icons. Example : JetbrainsMono Nerd Font and not JetbrainsMono Nerd Font Mono
  • Ripgrep is required for grep searching with Telescope (OPTIONAL).
  • GCC, Windows users must have mingw installed and set on path.
  • Make, Windows users must have GnuWin32 installed and set on path.
  • When you open the first time, always check your setup with the :checkhealth command

Nice little plugins added & ajustment (Cause not mentionned later in this doc)

First there is an ajustement to not replace the yank by using d, c, p so you can copy and paste without the fear of replacing the yarnked buffer.

  • rainbow-delimiters | Make a rainbow with () {} [] - Easier to see the bloc
  • mini.cursorword | Underline all words similar to the one under the cursor
  • mini.surround | Sourround content with () {} [] "" ''
  • mini.move | Move line or selection
  • lspsaga | Nice Lsp action, debug, etc bubble
  • project.nvim | Added to NvDash quick find project
  • lazygit.nvim | An incredible way to have a git visual inside nvim

Terminal is simple and keep the theme hilights (NvChad.term)


Nice way to access the terminal (Custom NvChad.term mapping)

Simply use these shorcuts:

  • <leader>t Open the last opened terminal (Create one if none created)
  • 1<leader>t Open the second terminal (Create one if none created)
  • 2<leader>t Open the second terminal (Create one if none created)
  • 3<leader>t Open the second terminal (Create one if none created)
  • 4<leader>t Open the second terminal (Create one if none created)
  • 5<leader>t Open the second terminal (Create one if none created)
  • You get it. It works from 1 to 9.

An other way to switch or simply view opened terminal

Shortcut: Simply t


Nice nvim-tree & UI (Customised)

It's nice to know that it will auto close if you'll go out of focus or select a file.


A Noice popup/box for searching and commands

This is what appear when you press : or /. It remove that space at the bottom of the screen for that visual with nice context icons.

image image

Navigate Blazingly fast with Harpoon 2 (Added)

  • <leader>a Add file in Harpoon
  • <leader>E Show Harpoon explorer (This is a CAP E)
  • <leader>1 Open the second terminal (Create one if none created)
  • <leader>2 Open the second terminal (Create one if none created)
  • <leader>3 Open the second terminal (Create one if none created)
  • <leader>4 Open the second terminal (Create one if none created)
  • <leader>5 Open the second terminal (Create one if none created)
  • You get it. It works from 1 to 9.

Cheat Sheet - The BLAZINGLY FAST way to learn about this config shorcuts

<leader>ch Will open the Cheat Sheet