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How to Update Advanced GAM to GAM7

Ross Scroggs edited this page Sep 18, 2024 · 4 revisions

Installation - Update Advanced GAM to GAM7

Linux and MacOS and Google Cloud Shell

This example assumes that GAMADV-XTD3 was installed in /Users/admin/bin/gamadv-xtd3. If GAMADV-XTD3 was installed in another directory, substitute that value in the directions.

Rename install directory.

mv /Users/admin/bin/gamadv-xtd3 /Users/admin/bin/gam7

See: Downloads-Installs-GAM7

You can download and install the current GAM7 release from the GitHub Releases page. Choose one of the following:

  • Executable Archive, Automatic, Linux/Mac OS/Google Cloud Shell/Raspberry Pi/ChromeOS
    • Start a terminal session and execute one of the following commands:
    • Update to latest version, do not create project or authorizations, default path $HOME/bin
      • bash <(curl -s -S -L -l
    • Update to latest version, do not create project or authorizations, specify a path
      • bash <(curl -s -S -L -l -d <Path>

In these examples, the user home folder is shown as /Users/admin; adjust according to your specific situation; e.g., /home/administrator.

Update gam alias

You should set an alias to point to /Users/admin/bin/gam/gam so you can operate from the /Users/admin/GAMWork directory. Aliases aren't available in scripts, so you may want to set a symlink instead, see below.

Change the following line:

alias gam="/Users/admin/bin/gamadv-xtd3/gam"


alias gam="/Users/admin/bin/gam7/gam"

in one of these files based on your shell:


Issue the following command replacing <Filename> with the name of the file you edited:

source <Filename>

Set a symlink if desired

Set a symlink in /usr/local/bin (or some other location on $PATH) to point to GAM.

ln -s "/Users/admin/bin/gam7/gam" /usr/local/bin/gam


gam version


You can download and install the current GAM7 release from the GitHub Releases page.

This example assumes that GAMADV-XTD3 was installed in C:\GAMADV-XTD3. If GAMADV-XTD3 was installed in another directory, substitute that value in the directions.

These steps assume Command Prompt, adjust if you're using PowerShell.

Rename install directory.


See: Downloads-Installs-GAM7

  • Executable Archive, Manual, Windows 64 bit

    • Download the archive, extract the contents into C:\GAM7.
    • Start a Command Prompt/PowerShell session.
  • Executable Installer, Manual, Windows 64 bit

    • gam-7.wx.yz-windows-x86_64.msi
    • Download the installer and run it.
    • Start a Command Prompt/PowerShell session.

Update system path

You should set the system path to point to C:\GAM7 so you can operate from the C:\GAMWork directory.

Start Control Panel
Click System
Click Advanced system settings
Click Environment Variables...
Click Path under System variables
Click Edit...
If you have an existing entry referencing GAMADV-XTD3:
  Click that entry
  Click Delete
If C:\GAM7 is already on the Path, skip the next three steps
  Click New
  Enter C:\GAM7
  Click OK
Click OK
Click OK
Exit Control Panel

At this point, you should restart Command Prompt so that it has the updated path and environment variables.


gam version

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