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Looking for realtime stock quotes prices?

Jason E Rush edited this page Nov 17, 2023 · 2 revisions

Many have asked me about using Webull for realtime stock prices/quotes. I don't use Webull for realtime prices/quotes myself.

I recommend websites like:

My recommendation for structuring your code is to pull stock prices from one of these services to analyze, and if your algorithm generates a buy/sell signal then use this project/module to place the Webull order to buy/sell.

  1. Webull's stock price is not as real-time as you think, especially when compared to services that specialize in offering real-time data. If you are looking for free data, I recommend that you just use IEX Cloud since they allow you to get multiple stock prices per call as well. If you are looking for good-quality data, you might be better off paying for the data. (We believe in the market theory right?)

  2. Webull's APIs are not official. If you call them too often (maybe dozens of calls a seconds), your account might be disabled; Or worse, the APIs themselves might be disabled. I think having automated trading on Webull is amazing and I cannot conceive a world without it.

In general, if you are just an average trader like me, having algorithms that have quick turnovers will either make you money very quickly or lose you money very quickly. Since we cannot compete with institutional traders and HFT, you should look to develop stable/long-term strategies. Although I am not a professional trader, I have read several dozen books on various trading techniques. Lastly, please trade at your own risk. Good luck!