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WP Theme Boilerplate

Next Generation WordPress Theme Starter Kit


  • Improve template hierarchy and directory layout
  • Implement WordPress Theme Autoloader
  • Implement class based theme functions
  • Implement Theme hooks
  • Support the Block Editor Gutenberg
  • Generate your starter theme on Theme Starter script
  • Theme development environment on npm scripts
  • Theme testing environment on composer scripts

Getting Started

1. clone WP Theme Boilerplate with change directory name to Theme Slug

git clone mytheme


Download archive file (zip or tar.gz) form GitHub Releases page

Note: Change folder name to Theme Slug

2. run Theme Starter script with passing Theme name

Note: Run only once. Note: Theme name does case-sensitive.

cd mytheme

bash bin/ --theme 'Mytheme'

or (via npm)

npm run setup -- --theme 'Mytheme'

3. delete bin/

4. update the theme header in style.css

5. update or delete

6. create Git repository and first commit

git init
git add .
git commit -m "initial commit"

7. build Theme development environment

npm install

8. make your WordPress theme

9. Good luck


Optional requirements

Directory Layout

|- bin/                           # scripts
|    |-                  # Theme Starter script
|    |-       # install script for WordPress testing environment
|    |-         # reset script for WordPress testing environment
|    |-     # uninstall script for WordPress testing environment
|- css/                     # stylesheet files
|    |- block-editor-style.css
|    |- editor-style.css
|    |- style-rtl.css
|    |- style.css
|    |- style.min.css
|- functions/               # PHP classes and functional php files
|    |- custom-header/
|    |- customizer/
|    |- entry-meta/
|    |- post-thumbnail/
|    |- setup/
|    |- template/
|    |- theme-hook/
|    |- autoload.php        # WordPress Theme Autoloader
|    |- loadup.php
|- js/                      # Javascript files
|- languages/               # Translation files
|- node_modules/            # npm modules
|- src/                     # assets for development
|    |- js/               # javascript files
|    |- scss/               # scss files
|- templates/               # template files and partial files
|    |- content/            # content part files
|    |- page-header/            # page header part files
|    |- parts/              # partial files
|    |- sidebar/            # sidebar part files
|    |- 404.php
|    |- archive.php
|    |- index.php
|    |- page.php
|    |- search.php
|    |- single.php
|- tests/                   # testing suite files
|    |- js/                 # Javascript testing suite
|    |- phpunit/            # PHP testing suite
|- vendor/                  # Composer dependencies
|- .editorconfig            # Editor config settings
|- .gitignore               # gitignore config settings
|- .travis.yml
|- composer.json            # Composer package file for theme testing and using PHP libraries
|- functions.php            # WordPress functionality file
|- index.php                # WordPress file
|- LICENSE                  # LICENSE file
|- package.json             # npm package file for theme development
|- phpcs.ruleset.xml        # PHP_CodeSniffer config settings
|- phpmd.ruleset.xml        # PHPMD config settings
|- phpstan.neon             # PHPStan config settings
|- phpunit.xml              # PHPUnit config settings
|-                # this file
|- readme.txt               # theme readme file for your starter theme
|- screenshot.png           # Screenshot image file
|- style.css                # main stylesheet file, only theme header
|- webpack.config.js        # webpack config settings

Template hierarchical

The top priority template hierarchy is the templates directory.

For example, the template hierarchy of the top page is as follows:

  1. templates/front-page.php
  2. front-page.php
  3. templates/home.php
  4. home.php
  5. templates/index.php
  6. index.php

Theme hooks

Theme hooks adds an action through the add_action function.

add_action( 'wp_theme_boilerplate/theme_hook/site/header', [ $this, 'header' ] );

Note: Replace wp_theme_boilerplate with your_theme_slug


  • your_theme_slug/theme_hook/site/header/before
  • your_theme_slug/theme_hook/site/header
  • your_theme_slug/theme_hook/site/header/after
  • your_theme_slug/theme_hook/site/content/before
  • your_theme_slug/theme_hook/site/content/after
  • your_theme_slug/theme_hook/site/footer/before
  • your_theme_slug/theme_hook/site/footer
  • your_theme_slug/theme_hook/site/footer/after


  • your_theme_slug/theme_hook/content/prepend
  • your_theme_slug/theme_hook/content/append
  • your_theme_slug/theme_hook/content/index/prepend
  • your_theme_slug/theme_hook/content/index/append
  • your_theme_slug/theme_hook/content/page/prepend
  • your_theme_slug/theme_hook/content/page/append
  • your_theme_slug/theme_hook/content/archive/prepend
  • your_theme_slug/theme_hook/content/archive/append


  • your_theme_slug/theme_hook/entry/meta/header
  • your_theme_slug/theme_hook/entry/post_thumbnail
  • your_theme_slug/theme_hook/entry/meta/footer

Theme Starter script

Theme Starter script generate your starter theme.

Note: Run only once.

bin/ --theme 'Mytheme'

Via npm

npm run setup -- --theme 'Mytheme'

Theme development environment

Build development environment

npm install

Run npm script

npm run <task>

npm scripts task list

  • setup
  • makepot
  • msgfmt:ja
  • msgfmt
  • sass:style
  • sass:style:minify
  • sass:block-editor
  • rtlcss:rtl
  • webpack
  • build:css
  • build:js
  • build:i18n
  • build
  • lint:css
  • lint:scss
  • lint:es
  • lint:\es:fix
  • lint
  • stats:css
  • bs:server
  • bs:server:watch
  • bs:proxy
  • bs:proxy:watch
  • watch:css
  • watch:js
  • watch
  • server
  • archive:package
  • archive:zip
  • archive

Theme testing environment

Build testing environment

composer install

Run composer script

composer run <task>

composer scripts task list

  • phpcs:config-set
  • phpcs
  • phpcs:warning
  • phpcbf
  • phpmd
  • phpstan
  • phpunit
  • ci

Resources (Third-party)


Patches and Bug Fixes

Small patches and bug reports can be submitted a issue tracker in Github. Forking on Github is another good way. You can send a pull request.

  1. Fork WP Theme Boilerplate from GitHub repository
  2. Create a feature branch: git checkout -b my-new-feature
  3. Commit your changes: git commit -am 'Add some feature'
  4. Push to the branch: git push origin my-new-feature
  5. Create new Pull Request


[2.1.0] - 2021.01.07

  • replace scss from node-sass to dart-sass
  • fix npm scripts for dart-sass
  • add dart-sass
  • update node package
  • add GitHub actions, remove .travis.yml

[2.0.0] - 2020.08.27

  • imporve code with phpcs, phpmd and phpstan
  • update testunit configuration
  • fix composer.json

[1.9.0] - 2020.08.26

  • fix webpack.config.js, generate compressed and uncompressed files
  • fix npm scripts
  • update package.json

[1.8.0] - 2020.08.10

  • update package.json
  • assign object to variable for child theme
  • fix hooks priority

[1.7.0] - 2020.05.14

  • replace array() to short array syntax []

[1.6.0] - 2020.04.23

  • fix css header
  • fix npm scripts
  • fix
  • move test case directory
  • bump up phpunit version 7.x
  • add version number with zip archive

[1.5.0] - 2020.03.24

  • move template parts files to page-header dir
  • add non minified javascript files for theme review
  • change javascript files bundle from webpack to minify
  • move javascript files to src/javascript/main directory
  • exclude node_modules in test scope
  • remove in zip archive

[1.4.0] - 2019.11.19

  • fix Theme Starter script
  • add style-rtl.css
  • update .pot
  • fix Requires at least to 5.0
  • fix header image and logo image size
  • add archive script with npm script

[1.3.0] - 2019.10.21

  • fix test case
  • bundle javascript files
  • add webpack, replace from uglify-es
  • move javascript files to src directory
  • fix error content
  • remove paginated with archive

[1.2.0] - 2019.09.30

  • add Class Editor

[1.1.2] - 2019.09.19

  • fix site-info
  • add editor-style.scss

[1.1.1] - 2019.07.30

  • replace from uglifyjs to uglify-es
  • fix header container

[1.1.0] - 2019.07.11

  • add Composer autoloader
  • add editor-style.css
  • add test case

[1.0.0] - 2019.05.19

  • initial release


Licensed under GPLv2 or later



Copyright (c) 2019-2020 by thingsym