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The Ticketmaster Developer Network

Home to the Ticketmaster Developer Portal.

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  1. Install Ruby
  2. Install Gem 'github-pages' gem install 'github-pages'
  3. Clone portal: git clone
  4. Get in the directory: cd
  5. Run Jekyll: jekyll serve

Alternative running method

After you done steps 1-4 from Installation, to run project you can use next method:

  1. Install Gulp globally npm install --global gulp
  2. Install Sass globally
  3. Run the project gulp This method will rebuild you sass files with source-maps.

Setup dev environment

  1. Install NodeJS with NPM

Building Frontend

  1. Install project dependencies npm install
  2. Launch project npm start

While developing, you will probably rely mostly on npm start; however, there are additional scripts at your disposal:

npm run <script> Description
start Serves your app at localhost:4000. Jekyll will be enabled in development.
webpack Build bundle for API Explorer V2 and watches for changes to re-run build.
build Build bundle for API Explorer V2 and compress by uglify plugin.
test Runs unit tests with JEST and generates a coverage report and watches for changes to re-run tests.
lint Lint .js (from /scripts/ fodler) and .scss files.
es-lint Lint all .js files from folder /scripts/.
sass-lint Lint .scss files.


To contribute to the dev portal, please make sure you fork your changes and submit a pull request and we'll be happy to consider it for merge. Here are the areas in which we welcome contributions:

  • Documentation
  • Events
  • Copy typos and bugs
  • Missing content


For support, please find us on Twitter and/or file a bug in Github's issues.