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This microservice provides interaction with Challenge Resources

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Topcoder Challenge Resources API

This microservice provides interaction with Challenge Resources.

Development deployment status


Production deployment status


Swagger definition

Intended use

  • Production API

Related repos



Configuration for the application is at config/default.js. The following parameters can be set in config files or in env variables:

  • LOG_LEVEL: the log level, default is 'debug'
  • PORT: the server port, default is 3000
  • API_VERSION: the API version, default is v5
  • AUTH_SECRET: The authorization secret used during token verification.
  • VALID_ISSUERS: The valid issuer of tokens, a json array contains valid issuer.
  • AUTH0_URL: Auth0 URL, used to get TC M2M token
  • AUTH0_AUDIENCE: Auth0 audience, used to get TC M2M token
  • TOKEN_CACHE_TIME: Auth0 token cache time, used to get TC M2M token
  • AUTH0_CLIENT_ID: Auth0 client id, used to get TC M2M token
  • AUTH0_CLIENT_SECRET: Auth0 client secret, used to get TC M2M token
  • AUTH0_PROXY_SERVER_URL: Proxy Auth0 URL, used to get TC M2M token
  • TERMS_API_URL: Terms API url, default is ''
  • MEMBER_API_URL: Member api url, default is ''
  • USER_API_URL: User api url, default is ''
  • CHALLENGE_API_URL: Challenge api url, default is 'http://localhost:4000/v5/challenges'.
  • CHALLENGE_PHASES_API_URL: Challenge phases API URL, default is ''.
  • DYNAMODB.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: The Amazon certificate key to use when connecting. Use local dynamodb you can set fake value
  • DYNAMODB.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: The Amazon certificate access key to use when connecting. Use local dynamodb you can set fake value
  • DYNAMODB.AWS_REGION: The Amazon certificate region to use when connecting. Use local dynamodb you can set fake value
  • DYNAMODB.IS_LOCAL: Use Amazon DynamoDB Local or server.
  • DYNAMODB.URL: The local url if using Amazon DynamoDB Local
  • DYNAMODB.AWS_READ_UNITS: The DynamoDB table read unit configuration, default is 4
  • DYNAMODB.AWS_WRITE_UNITS: The DynamoDB table write unit configuration, default is 2
  • DYNAMODB.TIMEOUT: The timeout setting used in health check
  • SCOPES: The M2M scopes, refer config/default.js for more information
  • OS.HOST: Opensearch host, default value is 'localhost:9200'
  • OS.OS_INDEX: Opensearch index name for resources, default value is 'resources'
  • OS.OS_REFRESH: Opensearch force refresh flag, default value is 'true'
  • BUSAPI_URL: the bus api, default value is ''
  • KAFKA_ERROR_TOPIC: Kafka error topic, default value is 'common.error.reporting',
  • KAFKA_MESSAGE_ORIGINATOR: the Kafka message originator, default value is 'resources-api'
  • RESOURCE_CREATE_TOPIC: the resource create Kafka topic, default value is 'challenge.action.resource.create',
  • RESOURCE_DELETE_TOPIC: the resource delete Kafka topic, default value is 'challenge.action.resource.delete',
  • RESOURCE_ROLE_CREATE_TOPIC: the resource role create topic, default value is 'challenge.action.resource.role.create',
  • RESOURCE_ROLE_UPDATE_TOPIC: the resource role update topic, default value is 'challenge.action.resource.role.update'
  • AUTOMATED_TESTING_NAME_PREFIX: the role name prefix for every ResourceRole record

Configuration for testing is at config/test.js, only add such new configurations different from config/default.js

  • WAIT_TIME: wait time used in test, default is 6000 or 6 seconds
  • MOCK_CHALLENGE_API_PORT: the mock server port, default is 4000.
  • AUTH_V2_URL: The auth v2 url
  • AUTH_V2_CLIENT_ID: The auth v2 client id
  • AUTH_V3_URL: The auth v3 url
  • ADMIN_CREDENTIALS_USERNAME: The user's username with admin role
  • ADMIN_CREDENTIALS_PASSWORD: The user's password with admin role
  • COPILOT_CREDENTIALS_USERNAME: The user's username with copilot role
  • COPILOT_CREDENTIALS_PASSWORD: The user's password with copilot role
  • USER_CREDENTIALS_USERNAME: The user's username with user role
  • USER_CREDENTIALS_PASSWORD: The user's password with user role
  • AUTOMATED_TESTING_REPORTERS_FORMAT: indicates reporters format. It is an array of the formats. e.g. ['html'] produces html format. ['cli', 'json', 'junit', 'html'] is the full format.
    For the details of the supported format, please refer to

Available commands

  • Install dependencies npm install
  • Run lint npm run lint
  • Run lint fix npm run lint:fix
  • Create tables npm run create-tables
  • Drop tables npm run drop-tables
  • Create tables for test environment npm run create-tables:test
  • Drop tables for test environment npm run drop-tables:test
  • Clear and init db npm run init-db
  • Initialize ElasticSearch npm run init-es
  • Start app npm start
  • App is running at http://localhost:3000
  • Start mock server npm run mock-challenge-api
  • The mock server is running at http://localhost:4000
  • Run the Postman tests npm run test:newman
  • Clear the testing data by Postman tests: npm run test:newman:clear

Local Deployment

Foreman Setup

To install foreman follow this link

To know how to use foreman follow this link

DynamoDB Setup

We can use DynamoDB setup on Docker for testing purpose. Just run docker-compose up in local folder.

You can also use your own AWS DynamoDB service for testing purpose.

Create Tables

  1. Make sure DynamoDB are running as per instructions above.
  2. Make sure you have configured all config parameters. Refer Configuration
  3. Run npm run create-tables to create tables.

ElasticSearch Setup

We can use ElasticSearch on Docker for testing purpose. Just run docker-compose up in local folder.

You can also use your own remote ElasticSearch service for testing purpose.

Create ElasticSearch Index

  1. Make sure ElasticSearch are running as per instructions above.
  2. Make sure you have configured all config parameters. Refer Configuration
  3. Run npm run init-es force to create index.

Mock Challenge V5 API

The GET /v5/challenges/{id} is mocked. It is a simple server app, the code is under mock folder. You can start the mock server using command npm run mock-challenge-api.


  1. Creating tables: npm run create-tables
  2. Drop/delete tables: npm run drop-tables
  3. Seed/Insert data to tables: npm run seed-tables
  4. Initialize database in default environment, it will clear all data: npm run init-db
  5. View table data in default environment: npm run view-data <ModelName>, ModelName can be Resource, ResourceRole or ResourceRolePhaseDependency

Production deployment

  • TBD

Running tests


Test configuration is at config/test.js. You don't need to change them.

The following test parameters can be set in config file or in env variables:

  • WAIT_TIME: wait time
  • MOCK_CHALLENGE_API_PORT: mock challenge api port
  • AUTH_V2_URL: The auth v2 url
  • AUTH_V2_CLIENT_ID: The auth v2 client id
  • AUTH_V3_URL: The auth v3 url
  • ADMIN_CREDENTIALS_USERNAME: The user's username with admin role
  • ADMIN_CREDENTIALS_PASSWORD: The user's password with admin role
  • COPILOT_CREDENTIALS_USERNAME: The user's username with copilot role
  • COPILOT_CREDENTIALS_PASSWORD: The user's password with copilot role
  • USER_CREDENTIALS_USERNAME: The user's username with user role
  • USER_CREDENTIALS_PASSWORD: The user's password with user role


  • Start Local DynamoDB.
  • Create DynamoDB tables.
  • Start Local ElasticSearch.
  • Create ElasticSearch index.
  • Various config parameters should be properly set.

Running unit tests

You need to stop the app server and mock API server before running unit tests.

To run unit tests and generate coverage report.

npm run test

Running E2E tests with Postman

Start the app server and mock API server before running e2e tests. You may need to set the env variables by calling source before calling NODE_ENV=test npm start.

  • Make sure the db and es are started
  $ cd resources-api

    # NOTE:
    # if tables and data already exist, please run first

    # $ npm run drop-tables

    # to drop data and tables

    # Then re-initialize the es server and the database.

  $ npm run create-tables
  $ npm run init-es force
  $ npm run init-db

To run postman e2e tests.

npm run test:newman

To clear the testing data from postman e2e tests.

npm run test:newman:clear

Running tests in CI

  • TBD


Refer to the verification document