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Nasos edited this page Apr 1, 2014 · 4 revisions

Non invasive:

# List all branches (remote and local): ublas branches start with ublas_
git branch -a
# Checkout (switch) to a branch
git checkout ublas_sandbox0001_github_playground
# Checkout master
git checkout master
# View changed files in the working directory
git status
# View changes to tracked files:
git diff
# Locally compare changes (trial merge) for example with ublas_develop branch:
git checkout ublas_develop
git checkout -b trial_merge
git merge <BRANCH_NAME>

# Show diff:
git diff ublas_develop

# Delete the trial_merge branch:
git checkout ublas_develop
git branch -D trial_merge


# To pull (download) all submodules in modular-boost: (Make sure you are in the modular-boost directory and not in any submodule):
git submodule foreach git pull
# To pull (download) only ublas
# change directory to .../ublas
git pull
# Add a file to git tracking
git add -p <file>
# Commit changes (mark them for pushing)
git commit -am "This is a test commit"
# Push (Upload) your changes to remote
git push