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Time Bucketizer

Hongzheng Shi edited this page Dec 3, 2018 · 1 revision

Time Bucketizer

A time bucketizer in AQL specifies how to bucketize a time dimension according to the query timezone before grouping by. A time column must be bucketized, raw timestamps should not be used directly as group by conditions.

There are two types of bucketizers:

  • Time series bucketizers that partition the timeline into non-overlapping and non-recurring buckets. A bucket corresponds to a single range of time in the timeline aligned to calendar unit boundaries using the specified timezone. The name of the bucket is formatted using the start of the bucket. This was also known as precision truncation based: precision of the timestamp is truncated to the desired level. Examples:
Bucketizer Example Bucket Name Comment
minute / m 2016-01-06 14:37 beginning of the minute
{2,3,4,5,6,10,12,15,20,30} minutes/m) 2016-01-06 14:30 beginning of the hour-aligned N minute
quarter-hour 2016-01-06 14:00 beginning of a quarter hour, same as 15m
hour 2016-01-06 14:00 beginning of the hour
{2,3,4,6,8,12} hours 2016-01-06 12:00 beginning of the day-aligned N hour
day 2016-01-06 beginning of the day (midnight)
week 2016-01-04 beginning of the ISO week (Monday)
month 2016-01 beginning of the month
quarter 2016-Q1 beginning of the quarter
year 2016 beginning of the year
  • Recurring unit bucketizers. The timeline is partitioned into non-overlapping ranges; the ranges are then mapped into recurring buckets. This was also known as component based: the buckets represent recurring time concepts, and are no longer single points/periods in the timeline. Here are some examples:
Bucketizer Example Bucket Name
time of day 14:37
{2,3,4,5,6,10,15,20,30} minutes of day 14:30
hour of day 14:00
hour of week Wednesday 14:00
day of week Wednesday
day of month 6
day of year January 6
month of year January
quarter of year Q1

Note this is different from the time series model in the Artemis query language, where start and end are first (optionally) snapped to calendar, and then each bucket/step/interval generated is aligned to either start or end using a specified size. In Apollo Query Language, time buckets are independent from the time range (time filter), and the buckets are always aligned to calendar unit boundaries. This significantly reduces the query space and made caching more effective.

Time Unit

By default the bucket names are reported as strings as shown in the above examples. You can specify a timeUnit to report the bucket name as a number in the amount of specified unit instead. For time series bucketizers, the number is the amount of specified unit since Unix Epoch time until the start of the bucket; for recurring unit bucketizers, the number is the amount of the unit since the beginning of day, week, month, year, until the start of the bucket. Time unit can be any of millisecond, second, minute, hour, day. Examples:

Example timeBucketizer Default Bucket Name Example timeUnit To Use With The Bucketizer Resulting Bucket Name
day 2016-01-06 millisecond 1452067200000
day 2016-01-06 second 1452067200
time of day 14:37 minute 877
day of week Wednesday day 2
day of year January 6 day 5