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Vasyliy I. Gurianov edited this page Jan 19, 2018 · 33 revisions

Simulation with Scientific Profile


A software engineering process (SEP or SDP) defines the who, what, when and how of developing software. The Unified Process (UP) is an industry standard SEP from the creators of the UML. How to use UP for develop a simulation software?

Our approach

We developed a special UML-profile for simulation is called UML2 SP (UML Scientific Profile). The UML2 SP developed for support Unified Process in simulation modeling. This variant UP called SSP (Simulation with Scientific Profile). The SSP methodology include Requirements, Analysis, and Design workflows.
A description of the language, examples of using, and its documentation see on website


The UML2 SP tested on much simulation models. A part the models was published in scientific magazines. There are two variants of the language. The UML SP (2010) is obsolete version. It is based on UML 1.4 and do not support now. The UML2 SP (2015) is based on UML 2.5 metamodel.
The language can realization in UML-editors that support user UML-profiles. Now, the UML2 SP is implemented only in StarUML v.5.0 for Windows. The first release was published in July 2017. The second release was published in January 2018, it is an actual version.


Copyright (c) 2010-2018 Vasyliy I. Gurianov. All Rights reserved.
UML2 SP is an open source project, it is distributed under a BSD 2-clause License.
The UML2 SP allows you to write perfect code for a simulation. We are searching for UML2 SP enthusiast joining our team!

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