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Android Ads code that is required in every app of Vasundhara Infotech Vasundhara Infotech LLP

API Version

Using build.gradle

Step 1. Add the JitPack repository to your project's build.gradle
    allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven { url '' }
Step 2. Add the dependency to your module's build.gradle
    android {
    defaultConfig {
        multiDexEnabled true

dependencies {
    implementation ''
    implementation 'com.github.vickypathak123:Android-Ads-Helper:latest_build_version'

How To Use this Library


  1. Your App-Application Class Compulsory Extend AppOpenApplication Class.
  2. If You Don't Pass Any Ad-ID Through VasuAdsConfig, It will take Test ID of this ad Automatically.
  3. Inside this is already loading open ads so, If Your App Don't Need To Show Open-Ad then must be pass false in this isEnableOpenAd(true /* Default Value */) function, which is present in VasuAdsConfig.
  4. Update This Flag = true /* Default Value */, Must be pass false after your In-App Purchase or Subscription.
  5. You must set Native-Ad Attribute In your Main App-Theme.
  6. For More Details Refer This AppApplication Class.
  7. Faced Any Error When Ads Loading, Check AdMob Error Codes & Logs
  8. You Find Ads Log in Your Logcat with this Keyword Admob_.
  9. Load All Ads In Only onCreate() or initAds() Method
  10. Need to destroy all Ads in your Launcher Activity's onCreate() method.
  11. you need to check your subscription, in-app-purchase, or internet-access flag before load ads.

Config Ads ID In onCreate() Method Of Your Application Class

        // All Ad-Ids are Optional
    .isEnableOpenAd(true /* Default Value */) // Pass false if you don't need to show open ad in your project
    .needToTakeAllTestAdID(false /* Default Value */) // Pass true if you need to show Ads with Test Ad ID in your project
    .needToBlockInterstitialAd(false /* Default Value */) // Pass true if you check fullScreenNativeAds when Interstitial Ads Failed to Load
    .isDebugModeEnable(false /* Default Value */) // Pass true if you check ads logs 
    .needToGetProductListFromRevenueCat(false /* Default value */)//pass true if you want to fetch product list from revenue cat

initMobileAds("test-ads-devise-id") // Pass devise ID if you need test ad on devise

Native Ad Details

Native Ad Custom Layout ID Details (Compulsory Set This Id in your layout file)

Native Ad Attribute Details (Compulsory Set This Attribute)

Need to Initial all Native Ad Attribute in your App Theme

<style name="YOUR_APP_THEME" parent="Theme.AppCompat.DayNight.NoActionBar">
    <item name="colorPrimary">@color/colorPrimary</item>
    <item name="colorPrimaryDark">@color/colorPrimaryDark</item>
    <item name="colorAccent">@color/colorAccent</item>

    <item name="native_ads_main_color">@android:color/white</item>
    <item name="native_ads_label_text_color">@android:color/white</item>
    <item name="native_ads_background_color">@android:color/white</item>
    <item name="native_ads_body_text_color">@android:color/black</item>

All Ads Load And Show Details

Open Ad Details

Load open Ad In Your Application class

        // Load Open Ad After `initMobileAds()`

Load & Show open Ad In Splash Screen

 * Call this method when you need to load your Open AD
 * you need to call this method only once in your launcher activity or your application class
 * @param fContext -> this is a reference to your activity context
 * @param  onAdLoad -> callback after ad successfully loaded
 * @param isNeedToShow check if Subscribe is done then ads will not show
 * @param remoteConfig check remote Config parameters is if true ads will show else false ads will not show
    fContext = mActivity,
    isNeedToShowAds = Boolean,
    remoteConfig = Boolean,
    onAdLoad = {
        // Call When Open Ad Loaded Successfully
        // Perform your Action

// Show Open Ad When You Need
// Check first open ad is Available or Not
 * @param isNeedToShow check if Subscribe is done then ads will not show
 * @param remoteConfig check remote Config parameters is if true ads will show else false ads will not show
if (AppOpenAdHelper.isAppOpenAdAvailable()) {
    mActivity.isShowOpenAd(isNeedToShowAds, remoteConfig) {
        // Perform your Action

Interstitial Ad Details

 * Call this method when you need to load your Interstitial AD
 * you need to call this method only once in any activity or fragment
 * @param fContext this is a reference to your activity context
 * @param onAdLoaded callback after ad successfully loaded
 * @param isNeedToShow check if Subscribe is done then ads will not show
 * @param remoteConfig check remote Config parameters is if true ads will show else false ads will not show
    fContext = mActivity,
    onAdLoaded = {


 * Call this method when you need to show Interstitial AD
 * also this method call our offline native dialog AD [FullScreenNativeAdDialogActivity] when Interstitial Ad fails and give call bake on same way
 * Use of this Method
 * activity.showInterstitialAd {[your code which has run after AD show or if AD fails to show]}
 * call this method with [Activity] instance
 * @param fIsShowFullScreenNativeAd pass false if you don't need native ad if interstitial ads not loaded
 * @param onAdClosed this is a call back of your ad close, it will call also if your ad was not showing to the user
 * @param isNeedToShow check if Subscribe is done then ads will not show
 * @param remoteConfig check remote Config parameters is if true ads will show else false ads will not show
mActivity.showInterstitialAd(fIsShowFullScreenNativeAd = true) { isAdShowing, isNeedToShow,remoteConfig,isShowFullScreenAd ->

Native Advanced Ad Details

 * Call this method when you need to load your Native Advanced AD
 * you need to call this method only once in any activity or fragment
 * this method will load your Native Advanced AD with 4 different size like [NativeAdsSize.Medium], [NativeAdsSize.Big], [NativeAdsSize.FullScreen], [NativeAdsSize.Custom]
 * for Native Advanced AD Size @see [NativeAdsSize] once
 * @param fSize it indicate your Ad Size
 * @param fLayout FrameLayout for add NativeAd View
 * @param fCustomAdView your native ad custom layout
 * @param adChoicesPlacement Ads I icon place @see [NativeAdOptions.ADCHOICES_TOP_RIGHT], [NativeAdOptions.ADCHOICES_TOP_LEFT], [NativeAdOptions.ADCHOICES_BOTTOM_RIGHT], [NativeAdOptions.ADCHOICES_BOTTOM_LEFT]
 * @param isNeedLayoutShow [by Default value = true] pass false if you do not need to show AD at a time when it's loaded successfully
 * @param isAddVideoOptions [by Default value = true] pass false if you don't need to add video option
 * @param isSetDefaultButtonColor [by Default value = true] pass false if you don't need to change in ad action button
 * @param onAdLoaded lambda function call when ad isLoaded
 * @param onAdClosed lambda function call after ad closed
 * @param onAdFailed lambda function call after ad failed to load
 * @param onClickAdClose lambda function call when user click close button of ad
 * @param isNeedToShow check if Subscribe is done then ads will not show
 * @param remoteConfig check remote Config parameters is if true ads will show else false ads will not show
var nativeAdModeHelper = NativeAdModelHelper(mContext = mActivity)
    fSize = NativeAdsSize.FullScreen,
    fLayout = mBinding.flNativeAdPlaceHolder,
    fCustomAdView = null,
    fCustomShimmerView = null,
    adChoicesPlacement = NativeAdOptions.ADCHOICES_TOP_RIGHT,
    isNeedLayoutShow = true,
    isAddVideoOptions = true,
    isSetDefaultButtonColor = true,
    isNeedToShowShimmerLayout = true,
    topMargin = 100,
    startMargin = 100,
    bottomMargin = 50,
    endMargin = 50,
    onAdLoaded = {
        // Perform your Action
    onClickAdClose = {
        // Perform your Action
    onAdClosed = {
        // Perform your Action
    onAdFailed = {
        // Perform your Action

 * Call this method in onResume to manage shimmer layout visibility online offline
 * you need to call this method only once in any activity or fragment
 * @param isNeedToShowAd -> flag that we need to show ad or not
 * @param fSize -> it indicate your Ad Size
 * @param fLayout FrameLayout for add NativeAd View
 * @param fCustomAdView your native ad custom layout
 * @param remoteConfig your firebase Remote Config

Banner Ad Details

private val mBanner: BannerHelper by lazy { BannerHelper(mActivity) }

 * Call this method when you need to load your Banner Ad
 * you need to call this method only once in any activity or fragment
 * this method will load your Banner Ad  with 7 different size
 * like BANNER,
 * fBannerAdSize ->  it indicate your Banner Ad Size
 * fLayout -> FrameLayout for add Banner
mBanner.loadBanner(fBannerAdSize = BannerAdSize.BANNER, fLayout = flBanner)

 * Call this method in onResume to manage shimmer layout visibility online offline
 * you need to call this method only once in any activity or fragment
 * @param isNeedToShowAd -> flag that we need to show ad or not
 * @param fSize -> it indicate your Ad Size
 * @param fLayout FrameLayout for add NativeAd View
 * @param remoteConfig your firebase Remote Config

Reward Video Ad Details

 * Call this method when you need to load your Reward Video AD
 * you need to call this method only once in any activity or fragment
 * Use of this Method
 * loadAd(
 *      fContext = reference of your activity or fragment context
 *      onStartToLoadAd = {[show progress when start to load Reward Video AD]},
 *      onAdLoaded = {[hide progress after successfully load Reward Video AD]},
 * )
 * @param fContext this is a reference to your activity or fragment context
 * @param isNeedToShowAd -> flag that we need to show ad or not
 * @param remoteConfig your firebase Remote Config
 * @param onStartToLoadAd @see [AdMobAdsListener.onStartToLoadRewardVideoAd]
 * @param onAdLoaded @see [AdMobAdsListener.onAdLoaded]
    fContext = mActivity,
    onStartToLoadAd = {
    onAdLoaded = {
 * Call this method when you need to show your Reward Video AD
 * you need to call this method with your Activity Context
 * Use of this Method
 * activity.showRewardedVideoAd(
 *      onUserEarnedReward = { isUserEarnedReward -> [by Default value = false, it's true when user successfully earned reward]},
 * )
 * @param onUserEarnedReward @see [AdMobAdsListener.onUserEarnedReward]
 * @param isNeedToShowAd -> flag that we need to show ad or not
 * @param remoteConfig your firebase Remote Config
    onUserEarnedReward = { isUserEarnedReward ->

Rewarded Interstitial Ad Details

 * Call this method when you need to load your Reward Interstitial AD
 * you need to call this method only once in any activity or fragment
 * Use of this Method
 * loadAd(
 *      fContext = reference of your activity or fragment context
 *      onStartToLoadAd = {[show progress when start to load Reward Interstitial AD]},
 *      onAdLoaded = {[hide progress after successfully load Reward Interstitial AD]},
 * )
 * @param fContext this is a reference to your activity or fragment context
 * @param isNeedToShowAd -> flag that we need to show ad or not
 * @param remoteConfig your firebase Remote Config
 * @param onStartToLoadAd @see [AdMobAdsListener.onStartToLoadRewardedInterstitialAd]
 * @param onAdLoaded @see [AdMobAdsListener.onAdLoaded]
    fContext = mActivity,
    onStartToLoadAd = {
    onAdLoaded = {

 * Call this method when you need to show your Reward Interstitial AD
 * you need to call this method with your Activity Context
 * Use of this Method
 * activity.showRewardedInterstitialAd(
 *      onUserEarnedReward = { isUserEarnedReward -> [by Default value = false, it's true when user successfully earned reward]},
 * )
 * @param onUserEarnedReward @see [AdMobAdsListener.onUserEarnedReward]
 * @param isNeedToShowAd -> flag that we need to show ad or not
 * @param remoteConfig your firebase Remote Config
    onUserEarnedReward = { isUserEarnedReward ->


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Developed By

Akshay Harsoda -

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