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Releases: vuejs/vue-router


08 Apr 06:02
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  • The next function in navigation guards can now accept an Error. This will be considered an explicit error, whereas calling next(false) is considered a "silent abort".

  • New router instance method: router.onError(errorCallback). The registered callback will be triggered under the following conditions:

    • The error is thrown synchronously inside a route guard function;

    • The error is caught and asynchronously handled by calling next(err) inside a route guard function;

    • An error occurred when trying to resolve an async component that is required to render a route.

  • router.onReady now accepts an additional second argument, which is an error callback which will be called when the initial route resolution fails.


  • #1182 fix relative query with array fields (@xujiongbo via #1291)
  • #1286 fix this in beforeRouteUpdate if a new navigation is triggered in the same component's created hook.
  • #1290 fix target="_blank" for router-link with child nodes (@RezaHaidari via #1290)


26 Feb 14:48
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  • Now exposes ES module build by default for webpack 2 and rollup.


14 Feb 02:27
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  • #1145 fix jank caused by scroll position saving


27 Jan 00:36
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New Features

  • Passing Props to Route Components

    Thanks to the contribution by @bfanger via #973!

    Instead of relying on the magic $route property, you can now use the props route config option to inject route params into route components as props.

  • New in-component hook: beforeRouteUpdate

    This new in-component hook is called when the route that renders this component has changed, but this component is reused in the new route.

    For example, for a route with dynamic params /foo/:id, when we navigate between /foo/1 and /foo/2, the same Foo component instance will be reused, and this hook will be called when that happens. Previously you will have to setup a watcher on $route to achieve the same.

    This hook has access to this component instance.

  • New router instance method: router.onReady

    This method queues a callback to be called when the router has completed the initial navigation, which means it has resolved all async enter hooks and async components that are associated with the initial route.

    This is useful in server-side rendering to ensure consistent output on both the server and the client.

  • New router instance method: router.addRoutes

    Dynamically add more routes to the router. The argument must be an Array using the same route config format with the routes constructor option.

  • Callbacks for router.push() and router.replace()

    You can now optionally provide onComplete and onAbort callbacks to router.push or router.replace as the 2nd and 3rd arguments. These callbacks will be called when the navigation either successfully completed (after all async hooks are resolved), or aborted (navigated to the same route, or to a different route before current navigation has finished), respectively.

  • Shared Router Instance for Multiple Root Components

    Thanks to the contribution by @jhartman86 via #1108!

    It is now supported to use the same router instance to drive multiple root components on the same page.


  • router.resolve return value changed to:

      location: Location;
      route: Route;
      href: string;

    The old resolved and normalizedTo fields are deprecated, but preserved for backwards compatibility.

  • URL query encoding now better conforms to RFC3986:

    • now encodes !'()*.
    • no longer encodes ,.


  • #1060 make <router-link> usable in non-browser environments
  • #1115 fix Webpack 2 code split resulting in blank component on revisit
  • #1119 fix warning aliased child routes with name


19 Jan 16:18
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  • #1104 fix regression in IE9


18 Jan 20:16
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  • #967 fix getAttribute error when the element rendered by <router-link> doesn't have the method (e.g. SVG elements) (@AnthonySendra)
  • #983 respect base in abstract mode (@atinux via #1045)
  • #987 support nested children for aliased paths
    -#1036 fix checking e.button for non-mouse events (@fnlctrl via #1037)
  • #1091 fix active route matching (@posva via #1101)
  • <router-view> now preserves rendered route component when the tree is toggled inactive by <keep-alive>.


01 Dec 18:30
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  • #725 fixed regression
  • #969 fix href generation for links in hash mode with no base


29 Nov 11:36
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Dist File Change

The main for the NPM package is now vue-router.common.js. This requires no change for existing build setups. The only difference is that the CDN link for the browser-build is now


  • New method: router.resolve() (@hogart via #918). The user can use this method to get a resolved route object or href string. The signature for this method is:

    resolve (to: RawLocation, current?: Route, append?: boolean): {
      normalizedTo: Location;
      resolved: Route;
      href: string;
  • router.getMatchedComponents() can now resolve and determine the matched components for the location passed to it as argument. Note during server-side rendering, you will still need to explicitly router.push() the url so that the $route object is available to data preFetch functions.

  • router.push() and router.replace() can now accept a location object with just params:

    router.push({ params: { foo: 'bar' }})

    Note this will do nothing if the current active route doesn't have the matching params; it is your responsibility to ensure this only gets called on appropriate routes.

  • router.push() and router.replace() now also accept append: true in the location object:

    // will navigate to /foo/bar from /foo
      path: 'bar',
      append: true
  • When using next in route navigation for a redirect, guards now accept replace: true in the location object:

    router.beforeEach((to, from, next) => {
      if (to.path === '/foo') {
          path: '/bar',
          replace: true
  • New prop event for <router-link>, allows defining the events to trigger a navigation. Can be a string or an Array of strings.


  • #853 fix hashchange listener not set up if initial route is a redirect
  • #906 fix named routes navigation using old route params (@znck via #917)
  • #908 respect deeper routes of the same path
  • #922 fix navigation without an app instance
  • #926 avoid rearranging query parameter orders (@miccycn via #946)


18 Nov 16:05
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  • #906 named routes navigation keeps unnecessary old params (@znck via #910)


14 Nov 19:16
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  • #779 fix beforeRouteEnter's next(vm => {}) not always called when using the same component for multiple routes
  • #780 <router-link> now sets a hashed path to href when using hash-mode (@LinusBorg via #809)
  • #795 Allow calling router instance methods before vue instantiation (@fnlctrl via #797)
  • #805 Allow alias option to be an empty string (@LinusBorg via #806)
  • #810 fix <router-link> with tag prop not updating static inner <a>
  • #813 fix sessionStorage quota error in Safari private mode
  • #818 fix in-component router hooks not working with Vue.extend
  • fix in-component router hooks not working with mixins
  • #826 router-link active inclusive match should ignore trailing slash
  • #827 Support target="_blank" for <router-link> (@fnlctrl via #830)
  • #850 Allow route to use current params to fill ones it does not provide (@wjmao88 via #851)
  • #873 fix $route.query compat with 3rd party libs due to lack of hasOwnProperty
  • #887 fix beforeRouteLeave that prevents a navigation not called when history.back() is called more than once (@crossjs via #894)