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amp tcpping

Brendon Jones edited this page Sep 21, 2016 · 2 revisions


amp-tcpping - AMP standalone TCP SYN latency test


amp-tcpping [-hrx] [-P portnumber] [-p milliseconds] [-s packetsize] [-I iface] [-4 address] [-6 address] [-Q codepoint] [-Z microseconds] -- destination1 [destination2 ...]


amp-tcpping is the standalone version of the amplet2(8) TCP Ping test. It attempts to measure latency by sending a TCP SYN packet to a destination and waiting for a response (which might be a SYN ACK, a RST or an ICMP error). This test is particularly useful for measuring latency for paths where ICMP is blocked or rate-limited. Like the amp-icmp(8) test, this test can measure latency for multiple destinations simultaneously. All destinations listed on the command line will be tested to. Any destinations that are hostnames will be resolved and every address that the name resolves to will be tested.


-h, --help Show summary of options.

-I, --interface iface Specifies the interface (device) that tests should use when sending packets. By default the interface will be selected according to the routing table.

-P, --port portnumber The destination port number to send the SYN packets to. The default port number is 80 (i.e. the www port).

-p, --perturbate milliseconds Delay the test by a random number of milliseconds, up to a maximum of milliseconds. The default is to not perturbate tests (no delay).

-Q, --dscp codepoint IP differentiated services codepoint to set. This should be a string representing a 6-bit value in binary, octal, decimal or hexadecimal, or the short name of a predefined, commonly used codepoint. The default is 0.

-r, --random Use a random packet size for each test.

-s, --size packetsize Specifies the total number of bytes to be sent per packet (including headers). The minimum (and default) packet size is 64 bytes to ensure that both IPv4 and IPv6 probes are the same size - IPv4 packets are padded with an additional 20 bytes of TCP options. Payload-bearing SYNs are typically dropped by firewalls and other security appliances so take this into consideration before increasing the packet size. In our experience, just adding padding does NOT cause our SYNs to be dropped, but unfortunately the maximum allowable amount of options is very small.

-v, --version Show version of program.

-x, --debug Enable extra debugging output.

-Z, --interpacketgap microseconds Minimum number of microseconds between sending probe/query packets.

-4, --ipv4 a.b.c.d Specifies the source IPv4 address that tests should use when sending packets to IPv4 targets. This address must belong to one of the interfaces. By default the IPv4 address of the outgoing interface will be used.

-6, --ipv6 a:b:c:d:e:f:g:h Specifies the source IPv6 address that tests should use when sending packets to IPv6 targets. This address must belong to one of the interfaces. By default the IPv6 address of the outgoing interface will be used.


amplet2(8), amplet2-remote(8), amp-icmp(8), amp-trace(8), amp-dns(8), amp-throughput(8), amp-http(8), amp-udpstream(8).


amp-tcpping requires raw socket access to run.


amp-tcpping was written by Shane Alcock <> with modifications by Brendon Jones <>.

This manual page was written by Shane Alcock <> and updated by Brendon Jones <>.

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