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HTTPS upgrades proposal #1655

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@carlosjoan91 carlosjoan91 commented May 11, 2023

(See WHATWG Working Mode: Changes for more details.)

💥 Error: 405 Method Not Allowed 💥

PR Preview failed to build. (Last tried on Feb 1, 2024, 11:31 AM UTC).


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🚨 CSS Spec Preprocessor - CSS Spec Preprocessor is the web service used to build Bikeshed specs.

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function updateForceControl(){var outputHTMLControl=document.getElementById('output-error');var forceControl=document.getElementById('force');var dieOnControl=document.getElementById('die-on');forceControl.disabled=outputHTMLControl.checked;dieOnControl.disabled=(outputHTMLControl.checked||forceControl.checked);}system.addLoadEvent(updateForceControl)
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If you don't have enough information above to solve the error by yourself (or to understand to which web service the error is related to, if any), please file an issue.

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@mikewest mikewest left a comment

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A few comments: Outdated Show resolved Hide resolved Outdated Show resolved Hide resolved Outdated Show resolved Hide resolved Outdated Show resolved Hide resolved Outdated Show resolved Hide resolved Outdated Show resolved Hide resolved Outdated Show resolved Hide resolved Outdated Show resolved Hide resolved Outdated Show resolved Hide resolved Outdated Show resolved Hide resolved Outdated Show resolved Hide resolved Outdated Show resolved Hide resolved Outdated Show resolved Hide resolved
@carlosjoan91 carlosjoan91 marked this pull request as ready for review June 22, 2023 20:44
@carlosjoan91 carlosjoan91 requested a review from annevk June 22, 2023 20:46 Outdated Show resolved Hide resolved Outdated Show resolved Hide resolved Outdated Show resolved Hide resolved Outdated Show resolved Hide resolved Outdated Show resolved Hide resolved Outdated Show resolved Hide resolved Outdated Show resolved Hide resolved Outdated Show resolved Hide resolved Outdated Show resolved Hide resolved Outdated Show resolved Hide resolved Outdated Show resolved Hide resolved Outdated Show resolved Hide resolved Outdated Show resolved Hide resolved Outdated Show resolved Hide resolved Outdated Show resolved Hide resolved Outdated Show resolved Hide resolved Outdated Show resolved Hide resolved
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@yoavweiss yoavweiss left a comment

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A few more nits. Otherwise, non-authoritiative LGTM Outdated Show resolved Hide resolved Outdated Show resolved Hide resolved Outdated Show resolved Hide resolved Outdated Show resolved Hide resolved
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Thanks for all the help with editing this Yoav!

@annevk I think this PR should be in a good place now if you have time to take a look.

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I'm not sure why the CI build is failing -- the bikeshed error FATAL ERROR: Spurious / in &lt;a> isn't reproducible when running make local locally.

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annevk commented Jul 25, 2023

It would help a lot if this was rebased as a single commit describing the changes it is making. (I attempted to rebase locally against main in order to address the CI issue but immediately ran into a merge conflict.)

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@annevk annevk left a comment

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Thanks for working on this. I've done an initial review that mainly focuses on editorial issues. Outdated Show resolved Hide resolved Outdated Show resolved Hide resolved Outdated Show resolved Hide resolved Outdated Show resolved Hide resolved Outdated Show resolved Hide resolved Outdated Show resolved Hide resolved Outdated Show resolved Hide resolved Outdated Show resolved Hide resolved Outdated Show resolved Hide resolved Outdated Show resolved Hide resolved
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meacer commented Aug 2, 2023

annevk: Friendly ping

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Pinging again -- let us know if there are any remaining concerns.

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@annevk annevk left a comment

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Apologies for the delay here. I blame European summer.

So this still applies:

It would help a lot if this was rebased as a single commit describing the changes it is making. (I attempted to rebase locally against main in order to address the CI issue but immediately ran into a merge conflict.)

In particular it seems Build (CI) hasn't even run for this change, which is a problem. Outdated Show resolved Hide resolved Outdated Show resolved Hide resolved Outdated Show resolved Hide resolved Outdated Show resolved Hide resolved Outdated Show resolved Hide resolved Outdated Show resolved Hide resolved Outdated Show resolved Hide resolved Outdated Show resolved Hide resolved Outdated Show resolved Hide resolved Outdated Show resolved Hide resolved
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meacer commented Sep 27, 2023

Thank you for the review! Rebased into a single commit, but the Build still doesn't seem to be running. I get a "1 workflow awaiting approval" warning above it, so not sure if a maintainer needs to specifically allow it to run. Outdated Show resolved Hide resolved Outdated Show resolved Hide resolved Outdated Show resolved Hide resolved Outdated Show resolved Hide resolved Outdated Show resolved Hide resolved Outdated Show resolved Hide resolved Outdated Show resolved Hide resolved Outdated Show resolved Hide resolved Outdated Show resolved Hide resolved Outdated Show resolved Hide resolved
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annevk commented Sep 29, 2023

Hey @meacer, thanks for the update. I left a bunch of inline comments including on some of the old threads. I think it would be good for you to resolve all the threads you consider resolved at this point and leave those open you still have questions on. Generally instead of writing "Done" hitting "Resolve conversation" is fine. That also helps the reviewer to know what to focus on. Also if you want any kind of live feedback I'd recommend

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meacer commented Sep 29, 2023

@annevk Apologies for the comment noise. I'm not the original author of the PR so I don't have the "Resolve conversation" option. I asked Carlos to resolve most of them (thanks Carlos!). I'll need to think about the service worker parts before I respond on the remaining threads. Thank you again.

@meacer meacer force-pushed the httpsupgrades branch 2 times, most recently from 54a3d49 to 74247e3 Compare October 24, 2023 05:56
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meacer commented Nov 1, 2023

@annevk I believe my last commit addresses all your comments. Could you please take a look when you have a chance? Thanks.

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@annevk annevk left a comment

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Mainly nits and still the fundamental question about why you're patching HTTP fetch rather than HTTP-network fetch.

Having a commit message somewhere explaining the rationale behind the changes would go a long way. Outdated Show resolved Hide resolved Outdated Show resolved Hide resolved Outdated Show resolved Hide resolved Outdated Show resolved Hide resolved Outdated Show resolved Hide resolved Outdated Show resolved Hide resolved Outdated Show resolved Hide resolved Outdated Show resolved Hide resolved Outdated Show resolved Hide resolved Outdated Show resolved Hide resolved
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What's the status of this pull request?

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meacer commented Jan 31, 2024

The latest status is that we wanted WPTs for the interaction of upgrades and referrer interaction. I landed the tests at web-platform-tests/wpt#43676. I also opened #1727 for a broader discussion, but I don't think it should be a blocker for this PR.

@annevk I think this is ready for another round of review, wdyt?

carlosjoan91 and others added 3 commits February 1, 2024 12:30
HTTPS Upgrading automatically and optimistically upgrades all HTTP navigations to HTTPS, with a fallback to HTTP.
If an upgraded navigation fails, the user agent will fallback to the original HTTP navigation.

Tests: web-platform-tests/wpt/tree/HEAD/https-upgrades
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annevk commented Feb 1, 2024

Text still looks good. Here is what remains in my view:

  1. A PR to WPT that moves these tests out of tentative. Ideally done in a way so we can merge it together with this PR.
  2. Should your name be added to the Acknowledgments section? (This is optional, if you decide to do it please take note that I force pushed the branch to get CI to work. You'll have to reset first.)

<li><p><var>request</var>'s <a for="request">URL</a>'s <a for="url">scheme</a> is not
"<code>http</code>"; or

<li><p><var>request</var>'s <a for="request">URL</a>'s <a for="url">origin</a> is exempted from
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So why isn't the HTTPS Upgrade opt-out mechanism defined in this spec or uselessly vauge? What if a site serves 2 different views or groups of assets, for clear vs TLS?

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Generally that's considered a bug in the website at this point.

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In a user reported a Polish LTE ISP, offers the UA subscriber's ISP specific GUID (lets ignore privacy) through a clear HTTP 1.1 ISP addon req header (MITM clear proxy), so a site has to downgrade to clear, capture the customer's ISP subscriber GUID, then redirect back to HTTPS, then on backend, submit LTE subscriber GUID+server's 3rd party api key->bill UA's LTE account for 3rd party service. No app stores, no native apps, no browser specific local or cloud storage of UA auto-logins, and no asking a UA to type in his telephone number. How would this continue to work if a clear HTTP is prohibited by spec globally? Someone demonstrated a business need to capture req headers from a clear MITM proxy.

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ISPs broadcasting user identifiers in plain text is exactly why universal HTTPS matters.

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simon-friedberger commented Feb 12, 2024

I think this should specify what happens for custom ports. I believe, ports which work for both HTTP and HTTPS are very rare, even though nginx apparently supports it now. My view is that as long as the fallback works attempting to upgrade anyway is fine but I think it would be worth spelling out to get consistent behavior.

In case it's not obvious, the issue is that port 80 gets upgraded to 443 but if there is a different port there is no known mapping. When trying to access trying HTTPS for will almost certainly not work. might work if people expect HTTPS to be the default.

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annevk commented Feb 13, 2024

@simon-friedberger are you asking for a note? The current text already requires it.

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@simon-friedberger are you asking for a note? The current text already requires it.

Thanks @annevk, that is indeed what I was looking for. If you don't mind, could you point me at the right text? I checked again but still cannot find it.

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annevk commented Feb 13, 2024

It's subtle, but because only the scheme is changed the port remains unchanged. And when the scheme is "http" the port is either null or a non-80 integer (due to the URL parser). And when you go make a request and the scheme is "https" and the port is null, it uses 443. (This subtle behavior happens in multiple places though so I'm a bit hesitant to add notes all over, but maybe there's a way to make it work well.)

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The explainer touched on loop handling behavior:

Redirects to HTTP: If a navigation would result in a redirect to HTTP, that redirection should also get upgraded to HTTPS. This applies both to navigations that are initially to HTTP URLs which get upgraded to HTTPS (and then redirected to an HTTP URL) and to navigations that are initially to HTTPS URLs that are redirected to HTTP. If these upgrades result in a redirect loop (for example, redirects to, which would be upgraded to, and so on), this should be considered a failed upgrade.

I don't see this in the PR and this WPT implies that the query string should be part of the data used for detecting loops. Should this be part of the spec and not just the test?

Also, I guess that the fragment should not be part of such a check, correct?

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annevk commented Feb 13, 2024

The only thing I don't see is "redirect loop" and I also don't see that being tested. However, I don't think we should add that as we already have a limit on 20 redirects that should suffice.

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For context, Chrome seems to have explicit loop detection:

The WPT is upgrading with new URL("http://{{host}}:{{ports[https][0]}}/fetch/api/resources/" + … which will trigger loop detection unless the query string is included.

What should happen on pages which redirect after a timeout like ( which gets upgraded and then redirected to ( which redirects using window.location.replace after 10 seconds. Using the 20 redirects limit would take over 3 minutes to get to the actual page.

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I believe there is a disconnect about the redirect loops between what @annevk and @simon-friedberger understood.

The issue isn't reaching the maximum of allowed redirects, but whether a browser should look at previous URLs in the redirect chains to stop upgrading. E.g., for a page that supports HTTPS but redirects back to HTTP.

Specifically, how "far" does the browser look back? All 20? Which information does the browser use to consider something a loop? Just the domain? The site? With URL parameters?

If all browsers have explicit "loop breakout logic", we should specify it.

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annevk commented Feb 14, 2024

I thought I understood, but now various kinds of redirects are getting conflated and it's getting confusing. I'm not sure this PR is the best place to have that discussion. I don't think we should have loop detection for HTTP or (specified) internal redirects. Website-driven navigations that look like redirects are not covered here. If they should be that should also be discussed in a new issue.

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Isn't there a problem specific to HTTP upgrades, though? If a website has a redirect loop, sure, the website needs to fix it. But if there is a redirect loop in the browser because it is upgrading HTTP to HTTPS it needs to be fixed in the browser. Anyway, just let me know if I should file a separate issue, please!

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simon-friedberger commented Mar 20, 2024

It's subtle, but because only the scheme is changed the port remains unchanged. And when the scheme is "http" the port is either null or a non-80 integer (due to the URL parser). And when you go make a request and the scheme is "https" and the port is null, it uses 443. (This subtle behavior happens in multiple places though so I'm a bit hesitant to add notes all over, but maybe there's a way to make it work well.)

Should this behavior be changed and custom ports be exempt from upgrades? Configurations which use the same port for HTTP and HTTPS seem rare (I don't have any data). In some cases this does cause bugs like the one linked above: aio-libs/aiohttp#8065 & python/cpython#109765

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@meacer Are you still working on this? Have Chrome's plans for this changed somehow?

@annevk annevk added the agenda+ To be discussed at a triage meeting label May 31, 2024
@past past removed the agenda+ To be discussed at a triage meeting label Jun 6, 2024
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meacer commented Jun 11, 2024

@meacer Are you still working on this? Have Chrome's plans for this changed somehow?

Apologies for my late reply. Chrome's plans for HTTPS Upgrades haven't changed. In fact HTTPS Upgrades are now enabled by default in Chrome, starting in Chrome 115. Therefore, this spec change is still a priority for us.

Regarding redirect loop detection: I don't think it's possible to break out of loops between https upgrades and http fallbacks without any sort of detection logic. The example above is a good one where this is needed. Given that most browsers will need this, I agree it makes sense to add it to the spec.

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It looks like there is a logic error in the fallback handling. This is inserted before the HSTS and HTTPS RR handling so a request will have its "is HTTPS upgrade" flag set and a downgrade will be attempted even if HSTS or HTTPS RR would have enforced HTTPS anyway.

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Configurations which use the same port for HTTP and HTTPS seem rare (I don't have any data).

I would point out that it's actually quite complex to setup a server that supports this in most software (see for example: So, I'd agree this seems unlikely.

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