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iOS setup

Will McMahan edited this page Mar 22, 2018 · 2 revisions

Add RNCalendarEvents, as well as EventKit.framework to project libraries.

For iOS 8 compatibility, you may need to link your project with CoreFoundation.framework (status = Optional) under Link Binary With Libraries on the Build Phases page of your project settings.

Setting up privacy usage descriptions may also be require depending on which iOS version is supported. This involves updating the Property List, Info.plist, with the corresponding key for the EKEventStore api. Info.plist reference.

For updating the Info.plist key/value via XCode, add a Privacy - Calendars Usage Description key with a usage description as the value. Resulting change to Info.plist should look something like:

<string>This app requires access to the calendar</string>

Note that for iOS react-native link will not automatically add the required privacy usage description to your Info.plist file, you'll need to do that manually.

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