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Effect Node FX

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Thank you dear for all the support <3

Effect Node is a Node System that can help people develop ThreeJS WebGL and WebGPU Application.

  1. Better APIs for Sending and receiving data

  2. Better Developer Experience, File name conventions, JSON and Signaling and

  3. AutoSave Sliders Input Eg: Speed, Color, Motion, Timeline

  4. Algorithm as a Content Model for Scaling Creative Coding Content

  5. Performnace First Approach for SEO, Download Size and Build time in Vercel

  6. NEXT.js Based, One Click Easy Deploy to Vercel / Netlify

  7. Huge Ecosystem Support and Low Learning Curve. Support react-three-fiber WebGL

  8. High Performance WebGPU support with WebGL2 Fallback using TSL in ThreeJS (Threejs Shading Language)

  9. Autosave Edits of Slider Values

  10. Secure by Design, the developer tools editor tools are only included in development envrionment and production dont even include the execution code of the editor.

  11. Support Full Compression and Tree Shaking wtih NextJS

  12. In browser Node System that Support NPM and Full Language Feature

  13. Rely on Native development expeirence

  14. MIT Licensed, Freely usable for Frontend development.

made with 💖 love by @wonglok831

Progress Update:

2024-06-29 Working on more example code, and solution pack.

2024-06-29 Apply for Anthem awards.

Free Resources Credit:

  1. Thank you LORD JESUS for all the inspiraion.Hallelujah GLORY be to GOD. amen <3

  2. Lottie Files

  3. ThreeJS

  4. Icons8

  5. React Three Fiber

  6. Mixamo

  7. ReadyPlayerMe