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HuangGai is an Ethereum smart contract bug injection framework, it can inject 20 types of bugs into Solidity smart contract. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4680168


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HuangGai is an Ethereum smart contract bug injection framework, it can inject 20 types of bugs into Solidity smart contract. HuangGai is compatible with multiple versions of Solidity (Solidity 0.5.x, 0.6.x, 0.7.x).

Users can use HuangGai to generate the large-scale vulnerable contract datasets without preparing contracts in advance (HuangGai integrates a contract crawler engine, of course, you can also use your contracts).

One of the goals of HuangGai is to inject bugs into the contract while keeping the original content of the contract as much as possible, so as to ensure the authenticity of the injected contracts (i.e., contracts that have been injected bugs by HuangGai).

HuangGai can inject the following 20 types of bugs into the contracts (the names and definitions of the bugs are from the Jiuzhou classification framework):

Num Bug type
1 Transaction order dependence
2 Results of contract execution affected by miners
3 Unhandled exception
4 Integer overflow and underflow
5 Use tx.origin for authentication
6 Re-entrancy
7 Wasteful contracts
8 Short address attack
9 Suicide contractse
10 Locked ether
11 Forced to receive ether
12 Pre-sent ether
13 Uninitialized local/state variables
14 Hash collisions with multiple variable length arguments
15 Specify function variable as any type
16 Dos by complex fallback function
17 public function that could be declared external
18 Non-public variables are accessed by public/external
19 Nonstandard naming
20 Unlimited compiler versions

Why do we name this framework HuangGai?

Huang Gai was a famous general of Wu state during the Three Kingdoms period. His most well-known achievement was: in the battle of Chibi in the 13th year of Jian'an (208 AD), Huang Gai went to Cao Cao's camp to pretend to surrender and took the opportunity to attack Cao Cao's army with fire.

We hope that this bug injection framework, like Huang Gai, is superficially a surrender of the enemy (generating a large number of vulnerable contracts), but actually the bug injection framework is helping us win (helping to evaluate the smart contract analysis tools and further promote the progress of the analysis tools).

The dataset used in our experiments

Due to the github space limitation, we have to upload this dataset to Baidu NetDisk. You can find the dataset by accessing this url (, and the extraction code is t8bd.

SourceCode Dataset is here

You can find the dataset by accessing this url (, and the extraction code is dr4f.

Quick start

We provide a docker image of HuangGai. In this docker image, we have installed HuangGai and all the dependencies HuangGai needs to run, and collected 66,205 real contracts in this image. You just need to pull the docker image and modify ithe userNeeds.json (by vim), and you're done.

Make sure that docker is installed and the network is good. Enter the following instructions in the terminal (eg., ubuntu os):

sudo docker pull xf15850673022/huanggai:1.0
sudo docker run -it xf15850673022/huanggai:1.0
root@d3eef7f13492:~/HuangGai# ln -s /usr/bin/python3 /usr/bin/python

How to use

Stage 1

First, you need to collect real contracts (i.e., smart contracts deployed on Ethereum) before injecting bugs into contracts. HuangGai integrates a contract spider (we call this spider ContractSpider) developed based on Python scrapy framework, which can collect tens of thousands of real contracts in several hours.

Enter the following commands in the terminal (eg., ubuntu os):

cd src/contractSpider/contractCodeGetter/data/

And you're done! The collected real contracts are stored in the folder src/contractSpider/contractCodeGetter/sourceCode.

Note 1: the default crawling URL of ContractSpider is cn-etherscan. We are not sure whether this URL can be accessed in non-China regions. If you encounter problems when collecting real contracts, please try to change the default crawling URL to etherscan-io. Specifically, open folder /src/contractSpider/contractCodeGetter/contractCodeGetter/spiders and replace all in (codeGetter, getContractAddressSpider, lastContractsAddress, nontokenContractAddress).py files with

Note 2: To reduce the load of the crawled URL, the default crawl interval of ContractSpider is 5 seconds per contract. You can reduce or increase the interval by modifying the variable DOWNLOAD_DELAY (in seconds) in file /src/contractSpider/contractCodeGetter/contractCodeGetter/spiders/

Note 3: You can also use your contracts (.sol files) by copying them to folder src/contractSpider/contractCodeGetter/sourceCode.

Note 4: You can also use the real contract dataset we collect, which is After decompressing the (forgive me for my typo (data -> date)), you can get 66,205 real contracts and then copy these contracts to folder src/contractSpider/contractCodeGetter/sourceCode.

Stage 2

Make sure that folder src/contractSpider/contractCodeGetter/sourceCode contains the real contracts, and then you can inject bugs into the contracts in the following two steps:

Step 1: Specify your needs

Now you should open the file /src/userNeeds.json and specify your needs by modifying the content of file /src/userNeeds.json. File /src/userNeeds.json requires you to specify the number of contracts containing each type of bugs and the maximum injection time.

Specifically, the content structure of file /src/userNeeds.json is as follows:

[bug type]: [the number of contracts you need to contain this type of bug, the time limit for injecting this type of bug (in minutes)]

Note 5: Injecting re-entrancy and specify function variable as any type bugs will take a lot of time. If you need to inject these two types of bugs into the contracts, please specify a longer timeout value.

Step 2: Start injecting

Enter the following commands in the terminal to start the injection (eg., ubuntu os):

cd src/

And you're done! The injection result will be printed in the terminal.

How to install

HuangGai requires Python 3.6+.

  1. Clone source coode
git clone
  1. Install dependencies

HuangGai needs to use Slither and Scrapy, so please use the following commands to install dependencies:

cd HuangGai/
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install rich
pip install graphvi
pip install pydot
pip install slither-analyzer
pip install scrapy
  1. Install multiple solc versions

We use solc-select to install multiple versions of solc:

cd ..
git clone

This will install solc into ~/.solc-select/, so you have to add it to the PATH variable. Add this line, replacing USERNAME with your username, to your .bashrc or equivalent:

export PATH=/home/USERNAME/.solc-select:$PATH

Supported operating systems

At present, we have only tested HuangGai on Ubuntu (18.04).

Datasets we provide

Through HuangGai, we generate and release the following 3 datasets:

  1. Dataset 1: This dataset consists of 964 buggy contracts, covering 20 types of bugs, and 3 researchers who familiar with smart contract bugs check the injected bugs in these buggy contracts to ensure that all injected bugs can be activated (i.e., the injected bugs can be exploited by external attackers). As far as we know, dataset 1 is currently the largest (number of contracts) buggy contract dataset with bug labels.
  2. Dataset 2: This dataset consists of 4,744 buggy contracts, covering 20 types of bugs. Users can use the contracts in dataset 1 and 2 as the benchmark to evaluate the performance of analysis tools, to obtain the true performance of the analysis tools.
  3. Dataset 3: This dataset consists of 66,205 real contracts. Users can analyze the contracts in this dataset to know the current overview of Ethereum smart contracts.


If you have any problems using HuangGai, please feel free to let me know at any time.


This project is issued, reproduced or used under the permission of MIT. Please indicate the source when using.


HuangGai is an Ethereum smart contract bug injection framework, it can inject 20 types of bugs into Solidity smart contract. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4680168








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