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Real Estate Marketplace API


If you're here, you're about to explore some of the great features of the Marketplace API! This API enables users to do various things in the online real estate market. You can create, read, update, and delete properties. Additionally, you can register, log in, and even ask property owners questions. There's a lot more to discover too! Let's get started


This API uses JSON Web Tokens JWT for authentication. To access protected endpoints, include the Authorization header in your requests with the value Bearer <token>, where <token> is the JWT obtained during the login process.

Base URL


The API revolves around two main controllers: the user controller and the property controller.

  • User Controller: Manages user-related operations such as signing up, logging in, updating, or deleting user accounts.

  • Property Controller: Handles property-related operations, including creating, reading, updating, or deleting properties, sending and approving requests, and managing transactions.

User Sign Up - POST

Endpoint: /api/users/signup

This endpoint allows a new user to sign up for the real estate marketplace. It requires the following parameters in the request body:

Parameter Type Required Description
avatar String No The image of the user
name String Yes The name of the user
email String Yes The email of the user
role String Yes This field specifies the role or permission level of the user, it must be owner or renter
password String Yes The password of the user

The endpoint will hash the password using bcrypt and save the user in the database using the user model. If the user is created successfully, it will return a JSON response with the status code 201 and a message

    "status": 201,
    "message": "User created successfully"

If the user email already exists, it will return a JSON response with the status code 409 and the message User email already exists. If the user is not created, it will return a JSON response with the status code 400 and the message User was not created!.

If there is any internal server error, it will return a JSON response with the status code 500 and an error message:

    "status": 500,
    "message": "Internal Server Error",
    "error": "<error message>"

User Login - POST

Endpoint: /api/users/login

This endpoint allows an existing user to log in to the real estate marketplace. It requires the following parameters in the request body:

Parameter Type Required Description
email String Yes The email of the user
password String Yes The password of the user

The endpoint will find the user by email in the database using the user model. If the user email is not found, it will return a JSON response with the status code 404 and the message User email not found.

If either email or password is missing, it will return a JSON response with the status code 400 and a message

    "status": 400,
    "message": "<field> required field missing!"

The endpoint will compare the password with the hashed password stored in the database using bcrypt. If the password is not correct, it will return a JSON response with the status code 401 and a message:

    "status": 401,
    "message": "Password is not correct!"

If the password is correct, it will generate a JSON web token (JWT) using jsonwebtoken and sign it with a secret key stored in an environment variable. The token will have an expiration time of 7 days. It will return a JSON response with the status code 200, a message, and a token:

    "status": 200,
    "message": "User logged in successfully",
    "token": "<token>"

Get Users - GET

Endpoint: /api/users

This endpoint returns all the users in the database using the user model. It does not require any parameters in the request body or query.

The endpoint will find all the users in the database and select all their fields except for their password. If there are users found, it will return a JSON response with an array of users and their fields:

        "_id": "<user id>",
        "name": "<user name>",
        "email": "<user email>"

If there are no users found, it will return a JSON response with the status code 404 and a message Users not found

Get User - GET

Endpoint: /api/users/user

This endpoint returns the current user based on the JWT token in the request header. It does not require any parameters in the request body or query.

The endpoint will verify the token using jsonwebtoken and extract the user id from it. It will then find the user by ID in the database using the user model and select all their fields except for their password. If the user is found, it will return a JSON response with the user and their fields:

    "_id": "<user id>",
    "name": "<user name>",
    "email": "<user email>"

If the user is not found, it will return a JSON response with the status code 404 and a message user not found

Update User - PUT

Endpoint: /api/users/update

This endpoint allows the currently logged-in user to update their information in the database using the user model. It requires the following parameters in the request body:

Parameter Type Required Description
avater String No The image of the user
name String No The Name of the user
email String No The email of the user

If the user is updated successfully, it will return a JSON response with the status code 200 and a message

    "status": 200,
    "message": "User updated successfully"

If the user is not updated, it will return a JSON response with the status code 400 and the message User was not updated!

Delete User - DELETE

Endpoint: /api/users/delete

This endpoint allows the currently logged-in user to delete their account from the database using the user model. It does not require any parameters in the request body or query.

The endpoint will delete the user from the database by id using the user model. If the user is deleted successfully, it will return a JSON response with the status code 200 and a message

    "status": 200,
    "message": "User deleted successfully"

Get Properties and Search Filter - GET

Endpoint: /api/properties/

This endpoint returns all the properties in the database using the property model. It also allows filtering by query parameters in the request URL.

Query Parameters:

Parameter Type Description Example
country String Filter by country /properties?country=USA
city String Filter by city /properties?city=New York
propertyType String Filter by property type /properties?propertyType=Apartmen

The endpoint will find all the properties in the database that match the query parameters using the property model. If there are properties found, it will return a JSON response with an array of properties and their fields:

        "_id": "655354967ddb3a85b5cef82a",
        "title": "Spacious apartment in downtown",
        "description": "A beautiful and modern apartment with 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms, located in the heart of the city. ",
        "price": 1500,
        "bedrooms": 3,
        "bathrooms": 2,
        "country": "USA",
        "city": "Boynton Beach",
        "address": "3896 Mulberry Lane",
        "propertyType": "Single-family home",
        "imageUrl": "",
        "type": "for rent",
        "owner": {
            "_id": "6553508845dab501df30d16b",
            "name": "Yaasiin Ahmed",
            "email": ""
        "available": true,
        "createdAt": "2023-11-14T11:05:59.025Z",
        "updatedAt": "2023-11-14T11:05:59.025Z",
        "__v": 0

If there are no properties found, it will return a JSON response with the status code 404 and a message Properties not found

Create Property - POST

Endpoint: /api/properties/create

Create a new property listing. This endpoint is accessible to users with the "owner" role. It requires the following parameters in the

request body:

Parameter Type Required Description
title String Yes The title of the property.
description String Yes The description of the property.
price Number Yes The price of the property.
bedrooms Number Yes The number of bedrooms in the property.
bathrooms Number Yes The number of bathrooms in the property.
country String Yes the name of the country where the property is located.
city String Yes The city of the country.
address String Yes The address of the property.
propertyType String Yes The type of the property, such as apartment, house, villa, etc.
imageUrl String No The photo of the property
type String Yes The type of the transaction, such as rent or sale.

The endpoint will create a new property in the database using the property model with the provided parameters and the owner ID. If the property is created successfully, it will return a JSON response with the status code 200 and a message:

  "status": 200,
  "message": "Property created successfully",

If the property is not created, it will return a JSON response with the status code 400 and the message Property was not created

Update Property - PUT

Endpoint: /api/properties/update/:id

Update an existing property listing. This endpoint is accessible to users with the "owner" role. It requires the following parameters in the

request body:

Parameter Type Required Description
title String No The title of the property.
description String No The description of the property.
price Number No The price of the property.
bedrooms Number No The number of bedrooms in the property.
bathrooms Number No The number of bathrooms in the property.
country String No the name of the country where the property is located.
city String No The city of the country.
address String No The address of the property.
propertyType String No The type of the property, such as apartment, house, villa, etc.
imageUrl String No The photo of the property
type String No The type of the transaction, such as rent or sale.
id String Yes ID of the property.

The endpoint will update the property in the database by id using the property model with the provided parameters and the owner ID. If the property is updated successfully, it will return a JSON response with the status code 200 and a message:

  "status": 200,
  "message": "Property updated  successfully",

If the property is not updated, it will return a JSON response with the status code 400 and the message Property was not updated!

Delete Property - DELETE

Endpoint: /api/properties/delete/:id

Delete an existing property listing. This endpoint is accessible to users with the "owner" role.

Parameter Type Required Description
ID String Yes The ID of the property.

The endpoint will delete the property from the database by id using the property model. If the property is deleted successfully, it will return a JSON response with the status code 200 and a message:

  "status": 200,
  "message": "Property deleted  successfully",

If there is any internal server error, it will return a JSON response with the status code 500 and an error message:

  "status": 500,
  "message": "Internal Server Error",
  "error": "<error message>",

Send Request - POST

Endpoint: /api/properties/:id/send_request

Send a rental request for a property listing. This endpoint is accessible to users with the "renter" role.

Request Parameters

Parameter Type Required Description
id String Yes ID of the property to send the request for.


  "status" : 200,
  "message": "Request sent successfully"

Get Requests - GET

Endpoint: /api/properties/requests

This endpoint allows the user to retrieve requests, which are filtered based on their role as either a renter or a property owner.


        "_id": "655357567ddb3a85b5cef846",
        "property": {
            "_id": "655355c97ddb3a85b5cef835",
            "title": "Cedar Ridge Ranch",
            "description": "Massive opportunity to build your dream home at the base of Mummy Mountain in the 3 C's school district. Home is currently updated and very livable if your plans are to build at a later date.* Bonus * to live hillside without hillside restrictions in the town of PV. Run don't walk to capture this needle in a hay stack.",
            "price": 1200,
            "bedrooms": 5,
            "bathrooms": 3,
            "country": "US",
            "city": "New York",
            "address": "Street 2 ",
            "propertyType": "House",
            "imageUrl": "",
            "type": "for rent",
            "owner": {
                "_id": "6553508845dab501df30d16b",
                "name": "Yaasiin Ahmed",
                "email": ""
            "available": true,
            "createdAt": "2023-11-14T11:11:05.569Z",
            "updatedAt": "2023-11-14T11:11:05.569Z",
            "__v": 0
        "sender": {
            "_id": "6553571d7ddb3a85b5cef83f",
            "name": "Mohamed Ahmed",
            "email": ""
        "isApproved": false,
        "createdAt": "2023-11-14T11:17:42.995Z",
        "updatedAt": "2023-11-14T11:17:42.995Z",
        "__v": 0

If there are no requests found, it will return a JSON response with the status code 404 and a message Requests not found

Approve to requests - POST

Endpoint: /api/properties/requests/:id/approve

To approve a rental request, users with the "owner" role can access this endpoint. It involves assigning a unique ID to the request and creating a transaction for it. A transaction is a record of a completed deal between property owners and renters.

Request Parameters

Parameter Type Required Description
id String Yes The ID of the request to be approved.


  "status" : 200,
  "message": "The request has been successfully approved"

Get Transactions - GET

Endpoint: /api/properties/transactions

This endpoint retrieves transactions that are filtered based on the user's role - either as a renter or a property owner.


        "_id": "65535a3de45b35b6b1bd0201",
        "request": {
            "_id": "655357567ddb3a85b5cef846",
            "property": {
                "_id": "655355c97ddb3a85b5cef835",
                "title": "Cedar Ridge Ranch",
                "description": "Massive opportunity to build your dream home at the base of Mummy Mountain in the 3 C's school district. Home is currently updated and very livable if your plans are to build at a later date.* Bonus * to live hillside without hillside restrictions in the town of PV. Run don't walk to capture this needle in a hay stack.",
                "price": 1200,
                "bedrooms": 5,
                "bathrooms": 3,
                "country": "US",
                "city": "New York",
                "address": "Street 2 ",
                "propertyType": "House",
                "imageUrl": "",
                "type": "for rent",
                "owner": {
                    "_id": "6553508845dab501df30d16b",
                    "name": "Yaasiin Ahmed",
                    "email": ""
                "available": false,
                "createdAt": "2023-11-14T11:11:05.569Z",
                "updatedAt": "2023-11-14T11:30:05.483Z",
                "__v": 0
            "sender": {
                "_id": "6553571d7ddb3a85b5cef83f",
                "name": "Mohamed Ahmed",
                "email": ""
            "isApproved": true,
            "createdAt": "2023-11-14T11:17:42.995Z",
            "updatedAt": "2023-11-14T11:30:05.750Z",
            "__v": 0
        "createdAt": "2023-11-14T11:30:05.240Z",
        "updatedAt": "2023-11-14T11:30:05.240Z",
        "__v": 0

Send Message - POST

Endpoint: /api/properties/:id/send_message

A renter can send a message about a specific property using this endpoint.

Request Parameters

Parameter Type Required Description
id String Yes ID of the property to send the message for.


  "status" : 200,
  "message": "message sent successfully"

Get Messages - GET

Endpoint: /api/properties/:id/messages

Retrieves messages related to a property, filtered by the user's role (renter or property owner).

Request Parameters

Parameter Type Required Description
id String Yes ID of the property to send the message for.


    "_id": "6549e69d6d78d6d45de34030",
    "text": "asc",
    "sender": {
      "_id": "6548d947127413f8e5511192",
      "name": "yasika",
      "email": ""
    "property": {
      "_id": "6546920bebdc9b145803e121",
      "title": "Spacious apartment in downtown",
      "owner": {
        "_id": "65467f7adf87a8c9c5da32fa",
        "name": "Yaasiin Ahmed",
        "email": ""
    "replies": [],
    "createdAt": "2023-11-07T07:26:21.569Z",
    "updatedAt": "2023-11-07T07:26:21.569Z",
    "__v": 0

If there are no requests found, it will return a JSON response with the status code 404 and a message messages not found

Send Reply - POST

Endpoint: /api/properties/messages/:id/send_reply

A renter can send a message about a specific property using this endpoint.

Request Parameters

Parameter Type Required Description
id String Yes ID of the message to send a reply to.


  "status" : 200,
  "message": "reply sent successfully"

Get Replies - GET

Endpoint: /api/properties/:id/messages

Retrieves replies related to a specific message, filtering based on user involvement.

Request Parameters

Parameter Type Required Description
id String Yes ID of the message to retrieve replies for.


    "_id": "6549be859c35facbe4e229a5",
    "text": "wcs",
    "sender": {
      "_id": "65467f7adf87a8c9c5da32fa",
      "name": "Yaasiin Ahmed",
      "email": ""
    "message": "6548d967127413f8e5511195",
    "createdAt": "2023-11-07T04:35:17.951Z",
    "updatedAt": "2023-11-07T04:35:17.951Z",
    "__v": 0

If there are no requests found, it will return a JSON response with the status code 404 and a message replies not found

Possible error messages:

  • Authentication required: The request requires authentication, but the user is not authenticated.
  • Invalid token: The provided token is invalid or expired.
  • Request already sent for this property: When a user with the "renter" role tries to send a rental request for a property they have already requested, this error is returned.
  • Request was not sent!: If the owner of the property is the same as the person who is trying to send the request, this error is returned.
  • Request has already been approved: If a user attempts to approve a rental request for a property that has already been approved by the owner, this error is returned.
  • Role must be owner or renter: This error occurs when a user tries to create an account with a role other than "owner" or "renter." The role must be one of these two values.
  • You don't have permission: This error indicates that the user does not have the necessary authorization or permission to perform a specific action, possibly due to their role or the type of request.
  • You do not own this property: When a user attempts to act on a property they don't own, this error is returned. It signifies that the user lacks ownership of the property.
  • The property is currently unavailable: If a user attempts to send a rental request for a property that is not available at the moment, they receive this error.
  • Internal Server Error: An internal server error occurred.