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Manual Setup for iOS

Süleyman Yasir KULA edited this page Jul 5, 2021 · 6 revisions
  • set the value of Automated Setup to false at Project Settings/yasirkula/Native Gallery
  • build your project
  • enter a Photo Library Usage Description in Xcode


  • also enter a Photo Library Additions Usage Description, if exists (see:
  • set Prevent limited photos access alert property's value to 1, if exists
  • insert weak_framework PhotosUI -weak_framework Photos -framework AssetsLibrary -framework MobileCoreServices -framework ImageIO to the Other Linker Flags of Unity-iPhone Target (and UnityFramework Target on Unity 2019.3 or newer) (if your Deployment Target is at least 8.0, it is sufficient to insert weak_framework PhotosUI -framework Photos -framework MobileCoreServices -framework ImageIO):


  • lastly, remove Photos.framework and PhotosUI.framework from Link Binary With Libraries of Unity-iPhone Target (and UnityFramework Target on Unity 2019.3 or newer) in Build Phases, if exists
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