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Merge pull request #6 from yufongpeng/release-0.2.0
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Release 0.2.0
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yufongpeng committed Mar 16, 2023
2 parents b3d4fd6 + 4c0fcca commit 63c2161
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Showing 7 changed files with 250 additions and 273 deletions.
8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions Project.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
name = "AnovaFixedEffectModels"
uuid = "e4965305-65d6-464d-9c03-ae3e5cffadab"
authors = ["yufongpeng <> and contributors"]
version = "0.1.2"
version = "0.2.0"

AnovaBase = "946dddda-6a23-4b48-8e70-8e60d9b8d680"
Expand All @@ -16,11 +16,11 @@ StatsModels = "3eaba693-59b7-5ba5-a881-562e759f1c8d"
Tables = "bd369af6-aec1-5ad0-b16a-f7cc5008161c"

AnovaBase = "0.6.3"
AnovaBase = "0.7"
Distributions = "0.23, 0.24, 0.25"
FixedEffectModels = "1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7"
FixedEffectModels = "1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7, 1.8"
Reexport = "0.2, 1"
StatsBase = "0.33"
StatsModels = "0.6"
Tables = "1.7"
julia = "1.6, 1.7"
julia = "1.6, 1.7, 1.8"
6 changes: 4 additions & 2 deletions src/AnovaFixedEffectModels.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,10 +6,12 @@ using Statistics, StatsBase, LinearAlgebra, Distributions, Reexport, Printf
import StatsBase: fit!, fit
import StatsModels: TableRegressionModel, vectorize, width, apply_schema,
ModelFrame, ModelMatrix, columntable, asgn
import AnovaBase: ftest_nested, formula, anova, nestedmodels, _diff, _diffn, dof, dof_residual, deviance, nobs, coefnames

using AnovaBase: select_super_interaction, extract_contrasts, canonicalgoodnessoffit, subformula, dof_asgn, lrt_nested, ftest_nested, _diff, _diffn
import AnovaBase: anova, nestedmodels, anovatable, prednames, predictors, formula
using Tables: columntable

export anova_lfe, lfe, to_trm
export anova_lfe, lfe

Expand Down
191 changes: 75 additions & 116 deletions src/anova.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,176 +1,135 @@
# ================================================================================================
# Main API
@doc """
anova(<models>...; test::Type{<: GoodnessOfFit})
anova(test::Type{<: GoodnessOfFit}, <models>...; <keyword arguments>)
anova(<lfemodels>...; test::Type{<: GoodnessOfFit})
anova(test::Type{<: GoodnessOfFit}, <lfemodels>...; <keyword arguments>)
Analysis of variance.
Return `AnovaResult{M, test, N}`.
Return `AnovaResult{M, test, N}`. See [`AnovaResult`](@ref) for details.
* `models`: model objects
1. `TableRegressionModel{<: FixedEffectModel}` fitted by `AnovaFixedEffectModels.lfe`.
If mutiple models are provided, they should be nested and the last one is the most saturated.
* `test`: test statistics for goodness of fit. The default is based on the model type.
1. `TableRegressionModel{<: FixedEffectModel}`: `FTest`.
# Arguments
* `lfemodels`: model objects
1. `FixedEffectModel` fitted by `AnovaFixedEffectModels.lfe` or `FixedEffectModels.reg`.
If mutiple models are provided, they should be nested and the last one is the most complex.
* `test`: test statistics for goodness of fit. Only `FTest` is available now.
Other keyword arguments:
# Other keyword arguments
* When one model is provided:
1. `type` specifies type of anova (1 or 3). Default value is 1.
1. `type` specifies type of anova. Default value is 1.
* When multiple models are provided:
1. `check`: allows to check if models are nested. Defalut value is true. Some checkers are not implemented now.
2. `isnested`: true when models are checked as nested (manually or automatically). Defalut value is false.
For the ith model, devᵢ is defined as the sum of [squared deviance residuals (unit deviance)](
It is equivalent to the residual sum.
The attribute `deviance` is Δdevᵢ = devᵢ₋₁ - devᵢ.
F-statistic is then defined as Δdevᵢ/(squared dispersion × degree of freedom).
For type I and III ANOVA, F-statistic is computed directly by the variance-covariance matrix(vcov) of the saturated model; the deviance is calculated backward.
1. Type I:
First, calculate f as the upper factor of Cholesky factorization of vcov⁻¹ * β.
For a factor that starts at ith row/column of vcov with n degree of freedom, the f-statistic is Σᵢⁱ⁺ⁿ⁻¹ fₖ²/n.
2. Type III:
For a factor occupying ith to jth row/column of vcov with n degree of freedom, f-statistic is (β[i:j]' * vcov[i:j, i:j]⁻¹ * β[i:j])/n.
For fitting new models and conducting anova at the same time, see [`anova_lfe`](@ref) for `FixedEffectModel`.
!!! note
For fitting new models and conducting anova at the same time, see [`anova_lfe`](@ref) for `FixedEffectModel`.
anova(::Type{<: GoodnessOfFit}, ::Vararg{FixedEffectModel})

anova(trms::Vararg{TableRegressionModel{<: FixedEffectModel}};
test::Type{<: GoodnessOfFit} = FTest,
kwargs...) =
anova(test, trms...; kwargs...)
kwargs...) where {M <: FixedEffectModel} =
anova(test, models...; kwargs...)

# ================================================================================================
# ANOVA by F test
type::Int = 1) where {M <: FixedEffectModel} = anova(FTest, FullModel(model, type, true, true))

function anova(::Type{FTest},
trm::TableRegressionModel{<: FixedEffectModel};
type::Int = 1, kwargs...)

type == 2 && throw(ArgumentError("Type 2 anova is not implemented"))
type in [1, 2, 3] || throw(ArgumentError("Invalid type"))
assign =
df = dof(assign)
filter!(>(0), df)
aovm::FullModel{M}) where {M <: FixedEffectModel}

assign = asgn(predictors(aovm))
fullpred = predictors(aovm.model)
fullasgn = asgn(fullpred)
df = filter(>(0), dof_asgn(assign))
# May exist some floating point error from dof_residual
push!(df, round(Int, dof_residual(trm)))
df = tuple(df...)
if type in [1, 3]
# vcov methods
varβ = vcov(trm)
β = trm.model.coef
if type == 1
fs = abs2.(cholesky(Hermitian(inv(varβ))).U * β)
offset = first(assign) - 1
fstat = ntuple(last(assign) - offset) do fix
sum(fs[findall(==(fix + offset), assign)]) / df[fix]
# calculate block by block
offset = first(assign) - 1
fstat = ntuple(last(assign) - offset) do fix
select = findall(==(fix + offset), assign)
β[select]' * (varβ[select, select] \ β[select]) / df[fix]
varβ = vcov(aovm.model)
β = aovm.model.coef
offset = first(assign) + last(fullasgn) - last(assign) - 1
if aovm.type == 1
fs = abs2.(cholesky(Hermitian(inv(varβ))).U * β)
fstat = ntuple(last(fullasgn) - offset) do fix
sum(fs[findall(==(fix + offset), fullasgn)]) / df[fix]
elseif aovm.type == 2
fstat = ntuple(last(fullasgn) - offset) do fix
select1 = sort!(collect(select_super_interaction(fullpred, fix + offset)))
select2 = setdiff(select1, fix + offset)
select1 = findall(in(select1), fullasgn)
select2 = findall(in(select2), fullasgn)
(β[select1]' * (varβ[select1, select1] \ β[select1]) - β[select2]' * (varβ[select2, select2] \ β[select2])) / df[fix]
# calculate block by block
fstat = ntuple(last(fullasgn) - offset) do fix
select = findall(==(fix + offset), fullasgn)
β[select]' * (varβ[select, select] \ β[select]) / df[fix]
σ² = rss(trm.model) / last(df)
devs = (fstat .* σ²..., σ²) .* df
pvalue = (ccdf.(FDist.(df[1:end - 1], last(df)), abs.(fstat))..., NaN)
AnovaResult{FTest}(trm, type, df, devs, (fstat..., NaN), pvalue, NamedTuple())
dfr = round(Int, dof_residual(aovm.model))
σ² = rss(aovm.model) / dfr
devs = @. fstat * σ² * df
pvalue = @. ccdf(FDist(df, dfr), abs(fstat))
AnovaResult{FTest}(aovm, df, devs, fstat, pvalue, NamedTuple())

# =================================================================================================================
# Nested models

function anova(::Type{FTest},
trms::Vararg{TableRegressionModel{<: FixedEffectModel}};
check::Bool = true,
isnested::Bool = false)
check::Bool = true) where {M <: FixedEffectModel}

df = dof.(trms)
df = dof_pred.(models)
ord = sortperm(collect(df))
df = df[ord]
trms = trms[ord]
models = models[ord]
# May exist some floating point error from dof_residual
dfr = round.(Int, dof_residual.(trms))
dev = ntuple(length(trms)) do i

dfr = round.(Int, dof_residual.(models))
dev = rss.(models)
# check comparable and nested
check && @warn "Could not check whether models are nested: results may not be meaningful"
ftest_nested(trms, df, dfr, dev, last(dev) / last(dfr))
ftest_nested(NestedModels{M}(models), df, dfr, dev, last(dev) / last(dfr))

anova(::Type{FTest}, aovm::NestedModels{M}) where {M <: FixedEffectModel} =
lrt_nested(aovm, dof_pred.(aovm.model), rss.(aovm.model), 1)

lfe(formula::FormulaTerm, df, vcov::CovarianceEstimator = Vcov.simple(); kwargs...)
Fit a `FixedEffectModel` and wrap it into `TableRegressionModel`.
!!! warn
This function currently does not perform well. It re-compiles everytime; may be due to `@nonspecialize` for parameters of `reg`.
A `GLM`-styled function to fit a fixed-effect model.
lfe(formula::FormulaTerm, df, vcov::CovarianceEstimator = Vcov.simple(); kwargs...) =
to_trm(reg(df, formula, vcov; kwargs...), df)

to_trm(model, df)
Wrap fitted `FixedEffectModel` into `TableRegressionModel`.
function to_trm(model::FixedEffectModel, df)
f = model.formula
has_fe_intercept = any(fe_intercept(f))
rhs = vectorize(f.rhs)
f = isa(first(rhs), ConstantTerm) ? f : FormulaTerm(f.lhs, (ConstantTerm(1), rhs...))
s = schema(f, df, model.contrasts)
f = apply_schema(f, s, FixedEffectModel, has_fe_intercept)
mf = ModelFrame(f, s, columntable(df[!, getproperty.(keys(s), :sym)]), FixedEffectModel)
# Fake modelmatrix
assign = mapreduce(((i, t), ) -> i*ones(width_fe(t)),
has_fe_intercept && popfirst!(assign)
mm = ModelMatrix(ones(Float64, 1, 1), assign)
TableRegressionModel(model, mf, mm)
reg(df, formula, vcov; kwargs...)

# =================================================================================================================================
# Fit new models
anova_lfe(f::FormulaTerm, df, vcov::CovarianceEstimator = Vcov.simple();
anova_lfe(f::FormulaTerm, tbl, vcov::CovarianceEstimator = Vcov.simple();
test::Type{<: GoodnessOfFit} = FTest, <keyword arguments>)
anova_lfe(test::Type{<: GoodnessOfFit}, f::FormulaTerm, df, vcov::CovarianceEstimator = Vcov.simple(); <keyword arguments>)
anova_lfe(test::Type{<: GoodnessOfFit}, f::FormulaTerm, tbl, vcov::CovarianceEstimator = Vcov.simple(); <keyword arguments>)
ANOVA for fixed-effect linear regression.
* `vcov`: estimator of covariance matrix.
* `type`: type of anova (1 or 3). Default value is 1.
* `type`: type of anova (1 , 2 or 3). Default value is 1.
`anova_lfe` generate a `TableRegressionModel{<: FixedEffectModel}`.
`anova_lfe` generates a `FixedEffectModel`.
anova_lfe(f::FormulaTerm, df, vcov::CovarianceEstimator = Vcov.simple();
anova_lfe(f::FormulaTerm, tbl, vcov::CovarianceEstimator = Vcov.simple();
test::Type{<: GoodnessOfFit} = FTest,
anova(test, FixedEffectModel, f, df, vcov; kwargs...)
anova(test, FixedEffectModel, f, tbl, vcov; kwargs...)

anova_lfe(test::Type{<: GoodnessOfFit}, f::FormulaTerm, df, vcov::CovarianceEstimator = Vcov.simple(); kwargs...) =
anova(test, FixedEffectModel, f, df, vcov; kwargs...)
anova_lfe(test::Type{<: GoodnessOfFit}, f::FormulaTerm, tbl, vcov::CovarianceEstimator = Vcov.simple(); kwargs...) =
anova(test, FixedEffectModel, f, tbl, vcov; kwargs...)

function anova(test::Type{<: GoodnessOfFit}, ::Type{FixedEffectModel}, f::FormulaTerm, df, vcov::CovarianceEstimator = Vcov.simple();
function anova(test::Type{<: GoodnessOfFit}, ::Type{FixedEffectModel}, f::FormulaTerm, tbl, vcov::CovarianceEstimator = Vcov.simple();
type::Int = 1,
trm = to_trm(reg(df, f, vcov; kwargs...), df)
anova(test, trm; type)
model = lfe(f, tbl, vcov; kwargs...)
anova(test, model; type)

14 changes: 4 additions & 10 deletions src/fit.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,14 +1,8 @@
# ==========================================================================================================
# Backend funcion

fe_intercept(f::FormulaTerm) = fe_intercept(f.rhs)
fe_intercept(term::StatsModels.TupleTerm) = map(fe_intercept, term)
fe_intercept(term::FunctionTerm) = first(term.exorig.args) == :fe
fe_intercept(term) = false

width_fe(term::FunctionTerm) = first(term.exorig.args) == :fe ? 0 : 1
width_fe(ts::InteractionTerm) = prod(width_fe(t) for t in ts.terms)
width_fe(term) = width(term)
formula(model::T) where {T <: FixedEffectModel} = model.formula
predictors(model::T) where {T <: FixedEffectModel} = model.formula_schema.rhs.terms

# Variable dispersion
dof(trm::TableRegressionModel{<: FixedEffectModel}) = trm.model.nobs - trm.model.dof_residual + 1
dof_pred(model::FixedEffectModel) = nobs(model) - dof_residual(model)
# define dof on NestedModels?
45 changes: 20 additions & 25 deletions src/io.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,46 +1,41 @@
# ======================================================================================================
# IO
import AnovaBase: AnovaTable, anovatable
function coefnames(aov::AnovaResult{T, FTest}; kwargs...) where {T <: TableRegressionModel{<: FixedEffectModel}}
v = coefnames(aov.model, Val(:anova))
push!(v, "(Residuals)")

coefnames(trm::TableRegressionModel{<: FixedEffectModel}, anova::Val{:anova}) =
vectorize(coefnames(formula(trm).rhs.terms[unique(], anova))

# anovatable api
function anovatable(aov::AnovaResult{<: TableRegressionModel{<: FixedEffectModel}, FTest}; kwargs...)
AnovaTable(hcat(vectorize.((dof(aov), deviance(aov), deviance(aov) ./ dof(aov), teststat(aov), pval(aov)))...),
function anovatable(aov::AnovaResult{<: FullModel{<: T}, FTest}; rownames = push!(prednames(aov), "(Residuals)")) where {T <: FixedEffectModel}
dfr = round(Int, dof_residual(aov.anovamodel.model))
σ² = rss(aov.anovamodel.model) / dfr
[dof(aov)..., dfr],
[deviance(aov)..., dfr * σ²],
[(deviance(aov) ./ dof(aov))..., σ²],
[teststat(aov)..., NaN],
[pval(aov)..., NaN]
["DOF", "Exp.SS", "Mean Square", "F value","Pr(>|F|)"],
["x$i" for i in eachindex(pval(aov))], 5, 4)
rownames, 5, 4)

function anovatable(aov::AnovaResult{<: Tuple, FTest},
modeltype1::Type{<: TableRegressionModel{<: FixedEffectModel}},
modeltype2::Type{<: TableRegressionModel{<: FixedEffectModel}};
function anovatable(aov::AnovaResult{<: NestedModels{<: FixedEffectModel, N}, FTest}; rownames = string.(1:N)) where N

rs = r2.(aov.model)
rws = ntuple(length(aov.model)) do i
rs = r2.(aov.anovamodel.model)
rws = ntuple(length(aov.anovamodel.model)) do i
Δrs = _diff(rs)
Δrws = _diff(rws)
[NaN, _diff(dof(aov))...],
repeat([round(Int, dof_residual(last(aov.anovamodel.model)))], N),
[NaN, Δrs...],
[NaN, Δrws...],
[NaN, _diffn(deviance(aov))...],
["DOF", "ΔDOF", "Res.DOF", "", "ΔR²", "R²_within", "ΔR²_within", "Res.SS", "Exp.SS", "F value", "Pr(>|F|)"],
["$i" for i in eachindex(pval(aov))], 11, 10)
rownames, 11, 10)

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