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Alex Eng edited this page Mar 24, 2015 · 1 revision

Server version and API version

When the zanata server deployed is 1.6.1 version, the python client still output "zanata server API version: 1.6.0". It only means that the API didn't change in Zanata server 1.6.1, the API version used is still 1.6.0.

Response of Zanata Server

301 Moved Permanently

This error occurred when HTTP redirection happened. The user needs to update the server URL to the new URL shown in the warning message.

302 Found

Same as 301 error, it is also an error of HTTP redirection.

400 Bad Request

The request cannot be fulfilled due to bad syntax of JSON object sending to server -this usually indicates a bug in the Zanata client

401 Unauthorized

The operation is not authorized, The user need to check user name and apikey used for Zanata server. Normally, the username and apikey are located in zanata.ini. Or the user can specify the username and apikey with options --username and --apikey

This error can also occur when pushing translations for a locale which has not been enabled on the server, or for the selected project.

403 Forbidden

The user do not have permission to access the resources on the Zanata server. please log on to the server, and check that the language is enabled and check if you have join the language group.

404 Not Found

The requested resource is not available on server

405 Method Not Allowed

The requested method is not allowed on server

409 Error

The resource with same name already exists on server side.

500 Internal Server Error

An internal error has happened on the Zanata server; please notify the server admin to check the log.

  1. The version 1.3.5 of zanata-python-client have a bug in query parameters, when use it against zanata server 1.6.1 and 1.7.0. the client will report 500 error. please add an option --noskeleton as a workaround. This issue is fixed in version 1.3.7 and later version.
  2. When pushing a big glossary file to zanata server 1.6.x, the server transaction will time out and return a 500 error to user, this issue is fixed both in 1.7.0 of zanata and latest zanata-python-client (1.3.8)

503 Service Unavailable

The service is temporarily unavailable on the server. Please try the operation again shortly.

Errors in third party libraries

Errors in python-httplib2

SSL certificate error

httplib2 performs verification of SSL certificates as of version 0.7.x and thus often https connections that used to work are now failing because of a failure in verifying certificates.

  1. the python client added an option in version 1.3.7 to disable verification of certificates: --disable-ssl-cert
  2. For Fedora and RHEL, please update to python-httplib2-0.7.4-5 which fixes the issue with SSL authentication. For other distros please see to produce appropriate patch.
  3. For self-signed servers, please add certificates to /etc/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt



This happens when processing a big file; python-httplib2 will report this error when loading the big file to memory. The python client in latest version(version 1.3.8) has changed to use StringIO to enable processing of big files.

Errors of python-polib

Syntax error

python-polib will check the format of po file.

  1. ^M is DOS line break character which shows up in UNIX files when uploaded from a windows file system. It is not allowed in po file
  2. Obsolete previous msgid #~|: python-polib will treat it as syntax error. This issue is addressed in python-polib 1.0, the python-polib will ignore obsolete previous msgid in po file. please take reference from

Other errors and warnings

  • URL mismatch between zanata.xml and zanata.ini

    The URL in zanata.xml and zanata.ini have to be strictly identical, otherwise, the zanata-python-client will warn user to specify the username and apikey in zanata.ini or by options, since the python-client uses the URL to retrieve the username and apikey. This error message is a bit confusing sometimes, so please check the URL carefully. The python client will also revise the error later.