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A simple DOM manipulation library created to better understand JS and the DOM. Still under development.

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Grab is a small ES6 module that abstracts common patterns I repeat when developing for the world wide web.

Feature List

Grab includes features that make webdev quicker.

  • Event Delegation
  • DOM element attribute (and data-) APIs
  • GrabElement collections to act on many elements at once
  • Abstraction of async, GET and POST APIs

Getting Started

To use Grab simply import the module with an ES6 import statement.

import * as grab from '/grab.js';

From there, it's as easy as passing a CSS selector to the element function.

const grabElement = grab.element('#id');

CSS selectors aren't the only valid arguments that can be passed the the element function! Valid selectors include the following:

  • CSS Selector stirngs (e.g. '#id', '.class-name', '[attrib=selectors]')
  • An HTMLElement or HTMLCollection object (from any of the document.getElement... functions)
  • Another GrabElement or GrabCollection
  • Any collection of the above listed "selectors" that has a length property and has enumerated keys
  • Homogenous or mixed Arrays of any of the above listed selectors
// All valid `selectors` for grab
const fromCss = grab.element('#id');
const fromHtml = grab.element(document.getElementById('id'));
const fromGrab = grab.element(fromCss);
const fromColl = grab.element({0: fromCss, 1: fromHtml, 2: fromGrab, length: 3});
const fromArr = grab.element(['#id', '.class-name', document.querySelector('#id > .class-name:not(:last-child)')]);


A GrabElement is the basic object of the grab module. It encapsulates the methods and state of each passed DOM element node.


When a grab element is instanciated, it is given a unique ID, used for event delegation, and an owned html node.

attributeList Get an object literal of name/value pairs of attributes.

Things to note:

  • Use the dataList property to return a list of data- prefixed attributes
  • To set an attribute, use the setAttribute method

classList Get access to the well known classList API.

dataList Get an object literal of name/value pairs of data- prefixed attributes.

Things to note:

  • To set a data- prefixed attribute, use the setDatum method

grabId Get the unique ID owned by the GrabElement.

href Get and set the href attribute value.

html Get and set the innerHTML attribute value.

id Get and set the id attribute value.

node Get the html node owned by the GrabElement.


Methods on GrabElemet objects help to add some dynamicism and can be chained since they all return the obejct itself.

addEvent The addEvent method sets an event delegate. Pass a valid browser event and event hander function.

grabElement.addEvent('click', handle_OnClick);

Things to note:

  • Existing events on an GrabElement will be replaced by addEvent

removeEvent The removeEvent method removes an event delegate. Pass a valid browser event.


removeAllEvents The removeAllEvents method removes all event delegates.


setAttribute The setAttribute method sets an attribute on the owned html node.

grabElement.setAttribute('foo', 'bar');
/// <div foo="bar"></div>

In addition to a single value, an object literal of name/value pairs can be passed.

grabElement.setAttribute({ foo: 'bar', fizzBuzz: 'spam' });
/// <div foo="bar" fizz-buzz="spam"></div>

Things to note:

  • Use camel case for names to be hyphen seperated
  • Use the attributeList property get a list of existing attributes on the owned html node
  • Setting any data- prefixed attributes will be ignored, use the setDatum method

setDatum The setDatum method sets an attribute using the common data- prefix on the owned html node.

grabElement.setDatum('foo', 'bar');
/// <div data-foo="bar"></div>

In addition to a single value, an object literal of name/value pairs can be passed.

grabElement.setDatum({ foo: 'bar', fizzBuzz: 'spam' });
/// <div data-foo="bar" data-fizz-buzz="spam"></div>

Things to note:

  • Use camel case for names to be hyphen seperated
  • Use the dataList property to get a list of existing data- prefixed attributes on the owned html node
  • Setting data-grab-id will be ignored

addClass The addClass method adds a valid CSS class selector to the owned html node.

/// <div class="fizz-buzz"></div>

In addition to a single value, an arry of values can be passed.

grabElement.addClass(['foo', 'bar', 'spam']);
/// <div class="foo bar spam"></div>

removeClass The removeClass method removes an existing CSS class selector from the owned html node.

/// <div class="fizz-buzz></div>
/// <div class=""></div>

In addition to a single value, an arry of values can be passed.

/// <div class="foo bar spam"></div>
grabElement.removeClass(['foo', 'bar', 'spam']);
/// <div class=""></div>

toggleClass The toggleClass method toggles a CSS class selector to and from the owned html node.

/// <div></div>
/// <div class="fizz-buzz"></div>
/// <div class=""></div>

In addition to a single value, an arry of values can be passed.

/// <div></div>
grabElement.toggleClass(['foo', 'bar', 'spam']);
/// <div class="foo bar spam"></div>
grabElement.toggleClass(['foo', 'bar', 'spam']);
/// <div class=""></div>


A GrabCollection is a collection of GrabElements that is grouped together with methods that make acting on the group of elements easier.


The only property on a GrabCollection is the length accsesor that gets the count of GrabElements in the collection.

length Gets the count of GrabElements by the collection.


A GrabCollection has many of the same methods on a GrabElement. These methods can be chained, unless otherwise noted, as they all return itself.

addEvent This method behaves similarly to the GrabElement equivalent, only acting on each element in the collection.

removeEvent This method behaves similarly to the GrabElement equivalent, only acting on each element in the collection.

removeAllEvents This method behaves similarly to the GrabElement equivalent, only acting on each element in the collection.

setAttribute This method behaves similarly to the GrabElement equivalent, only acting on each element in the collection.

setDatum This method behaves similarly to the GrabElement equivalent, only acting on each element in the collection.

addClass This method behaves similarly to the GrabElement equivalent, only acting on each element in the collection.

removeClass This method behaves similarly to the GrabElement equivalent, only acting on each element in the collection.

toggleClass This method behaves similarly to the GrabElement equivalent, only acting on each element in the collection.

addElement Add a GrabElement to the collection by passing any valid Grab selector.


Things to note:

  • Any passed selector with a length greater than 1 will be ignored, use the concat method to combine length'd selectors

removeElement Remove a GrabElement from the collection by passing a valid index value.


Things to note:

  • This will reset the collection's indexes, use the filter method to filter the collection's elements

concat Combine two collections into a new GrabCollection containing all elements from both. Any array, GrabCollection or list with a length property and enumerated keys can be passed.

const combinedElements = grabElements.concat(otherCollection);

Things to note:

  • The concat method returns a shallow copy of all elements

each Iterate over each element, passing each into a function along with its index.

grabElements.each((element, i) => console.log(`The element at index ${i} has the grab ID of ${element.grabId}`));

filter Iterate over each element, passing each into a filtering function, along with its index. The filter function should return a Boolean value of true if the element is to be included in the returned GrabCollection, false will remove it from this copy.

const filteredElements = grabElements.filter((element, i) => i > 0 || != 'foo');

Things to note:

  • The filter method returns a shallow copy of all passing elements

map Iterate over each element, passing each into a mapping function along with its index. The mapping function should return the acted upon element.

const mappedElements =, i) => element.setDatum('index', i));

Things to note:

  • The map method returns a shallow copy of all elements

sort (Yet to be implemented) Iterate over each element, passing two elements into a sorting function. The sorting function should return a Boolean value of true if the element is to be inserted before the compared element.

grabElements.sort((a, b) => a.grabId > b.grabId);

Event Delegation

A quick rundown on how event delegation works. See this post by Chris Ferdenandi for more information:

How It Works A modern and performant way of using events in the browser is called "Event Delegation". That is, setting the event on the document, and listening, at a high level, for all issued events, and filtering by some boolean expression. Grab matches on the data-grab-id attribute for this filtering. The callback is passed the Event object and a refernce to the owning GrabElement.

    // Somewhere in the grab module...
        for (let id in events.channels[channel]) {
            const event = events.channels[channel][id];
            if (id ==='data-grab-id')) return event.fn(e, event.ref);

// Add an event delegate to a grabbed element
grabElement.addEvent('click', (e, element) => {
    console.log(`You clicked on the element with the grab ID ${element.grabId}`);

Things to note:

Thank You

Thank your for looking at my small ES6 module.

Best, zanayr


A simple DOM manipulation library created to better understand JS and the DOM. Still under development.






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