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Running fmriprep with singularity

Gabriel A. Devenyi edited this page Aug 22, 2019 · 3 revisions

First, get the version you want to use, for example, 1.4.1:

> singularity build fmriprep-1.4.1.simg docker://poldracklab/fmriprep:1.4.1

Next, you need a output and working directory:

> mkdir -p path/to/save/outputs/and/working

fmriprep uses freesurfer interally, which uses a licence file, we need to have a copy of the licence inside the working directory:

> cp /opt/quarantine/freesurfer/6.0/build/freesurfer/license.txt path/to/save/outputs/and/working

The main difficult concept to understand is that containers have a limited view of the filesystem they're attached to, and that its your responsibility to define it, we achieve this, by "binding" a path on the host system to a path inside the container with -B localpath:containerpath

Full run example:

> singularity run --cleanenv -B path/to/save/outputs/and/working:/work -B path/to/my/raw/bids-data:/rawdata fmriprep-1.4.1.simg /rawdata /work participant --fs-license-file /work/license.txt -w /work

fMRIprep mostly decides what to do based on the files present inside the BIDS directory. You should read to determine if you may want to set addition options, for example --participant_label sub-01 to limit the run to a single subject.

Example of running subjects in parallel:

for subject in path/to/my/raw/bids-data/sub-*; do
	echo singularity run --cleanenv -B path/to/my/raw/bids-data:/rawdata fmriprep-1.4.1.simg /rawdata /work participant --fs-license-file /work/license.txt -w /work --participant_label $(basename ${subject})
done | parallel
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