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Alignments to external terminology resources

Chris Mungall edited this page May 22, 2019 · 4 revisions

This page documents efforts to align ENVO with other vocabularies, thesauri, ontologies, and similar terminology resources. Most


Automatic mappings

Cryohackathon series

A high-quality alignment of cryosphere terminology is being conducted through monthly Cryohackathons (open to all!). During the hackathon, a set of cryosphere terms are analysed, definitions crafted, supporting terms developed, and the whole bunch is ontologised. We also use these sessions to train participants on how to co-edit ENVO.

Ruth Duerr's extensive review of terminologies is being used as the core reference, and ENVO classes are being "hard mapped" to their (usually undefined) counterparts in SWEET. Here's an example with glacier snout. For more information on the cryohackathon series, or to join in, please contact PL Buttigieg or Ruth Duerr.


See this Pull Request for the initial changes to accomplish this mapping.


Initial efforts described in this issue


Alignments to ENVO and GAZ from Wikidata are currently in progress. See this repo for details: