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QA Testing With Selenium

Nick Airdo edited this page Jun 8, 2015 · 14 revisions

We're trying Selenium to do some QA during Alpha and Beta. We have some notes regarding the use of Selenium that you should follow.

Submitting Selenium Tests Using Pull Requests

  1. Fork the SparkDevNetwork/Rock repo in your Github.

  2. Clone your forked repo locally, with an upstream at SparkDevNetwork/Rock.

    You will then have an origin at <YourGithub>/Rock and an upstream at SparkDevNetwork/Rock

  3. Create and checkout a feature branch based on the Develop branch

    example: 'feature-<initials>-<descriptiveName>'

  4. Build your tests.

  5. When your tests are ready to submit, stash all of your Selenium Tests/Suites files.

  6. Merge upstream\develop into local\develop.

  7. Push local\develop to origin\develop.

    This gets your develop branch current with the Spark/Develop branch.

  8. Create a new local feature branch for your Selenium tests, based off of upstream/develop.

    This branch is what you will use to create your single commit for your tests.

  9. Un-stash/apply your Selenium tests into your new, clean feature branch.

  10. Commit and push this branch.

  11. On Github, submit pull request from this branch to upstream (Spark).

Needed Tests

Here are some tests you can put your initials on and submit a pull request for. As always, perform a verify step when necessary to ensure the action occurred correctly.

  • People Tests

    • Add/Edit/Delete Note to person record
    • Add Note with Alert checked (verify color is alert color)
    • Add Note with Private checked (verify only person who entered it can view it)
  • Prayer Requests

    • Add request with expiration date
    • Verify expired requests are no longer shown on prayer session block
    • Add Note/comment to prayer request (verify appears in prayers session)
  • Group Tests

    • Inactive groups should not show up in GroupFinder block (external website).
  • Web Content Channel Tests

  • Workflow Creation Tests

  • Communication Tests

Completed Tests

  • DataViews Tests

    • Create DV Test Less Than Date
    • Create DV Test Equal to Date
  • Group Tests for type Small Group

    • add 5 people to a new group
    • edit/change the selected topic (Group Attribute Values) of a group
    • edit/add a location (Meeting Details) to be the Main Campus location (& verify)
    • edit/add a location (Meeting Details) to be a example address (& verify)
    • edit/add a location (Meeting Details) to be the a Member Location (& verify)
    • edit a group's Meeting Details and set/change their Group Schedule: Day of the Week and Time of Day

Notes: Use this to click the edit button on a table row with a value 'AttributeName' somewhere in it //tr[td[contains(text(),'AttributeName')]]//td[a/@title='Edit']//a

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