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Stephen Swensen edited this page Dec 29, 2023 · 3 revisions

If you would like to contribute to Unquote, see the list of open issues with the "help wanted" label (but you can also just open a PR out of the blue or for some other issue that catches your attention that is not explicitly labeled "help wanted"). Issues with the "planned" label we are definitely planning to move forward with. Those without the "planned" level are in the evaluation or research phase of consideration.

Create a PR and submit it for review. Please include unit tests and follow existing coding convention to the best of your judgement and ability.

Note that Unquote has a small API surface area. It is fairly feature complete. Only two new functions have been added in the past 5 years or so (trap and testSimple). Most work these days is keeping up-to-date with .NET platform changes (namely, the evolution to netstandard2.0 and net8.0), underlying Quotation changes in FSharp.Core (e.g. new quotation cases like those supporting anonymous records), or improving decompilation corner cases. That said, there have been some interesting proposals put forward to improve some of the core outputting done by Unquote such as Issue #154, Value diffs.

Unquote development tool-chain is built around the modern, cross-platform dotnet CLI version You should be able to use any IDE or Operating System to compile Unquote, run unit tests, etc.. On-Linux or Linux-like systems, you can optionally use make to gain access to some optional convenience build tasks defined in the source controlled Makefile.

Besides contributing code, just reporting bugs or ideas for enhancements as Issues is a great way to contribute and much appreciated.

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