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Stephen Swensen edited this page Jul 12, 2015 · 1 revision

Notable decompiler features include

  • Precedence based parenthesization
  • Fully re-sugared multi-variable lambda expressions and applications
  • Sequential expressions
  • Static method calls
  • Module function calls
  • Instance method calls
  • IntrinsicFunction calls
  • Seq, List, and Array range expressions
  • Binary infix operators
  • Unary prefix operators
  • All instance and static property get expressions
  • Instance and static field get expressions
  • All variable, field, and property set expressions
  • Unit and None
  • Generic type test expressions
  • Source names of functions and modules
  • Omission of module qualification for FSI module and AutoOpen modules
  • Excellent F# type name printing, including
    • Precedence parenthesization
    • Non-generic types
    • Arbitrarily complex generic types
    • Known type abbreviations
    • Unit, tuples, functions, and arrays
    • Generic type definitions
    • Definition within Modules or namespaces
  • Detection of whether generic args are inferable
  • if...then...else and && and || short-circuiting boolean expressions
  • Implicit coercion
  • Let bindings
    • Mutable and non-mutable variables
    • Single variable assignment
    • Fully re-sugared tupled variable assignment
    • Recursive functions (including mutually recursive functions)
  • Tuple, array, union case, and object construction
  • Literal list union case construction
  • Basic union case pattern matching
  • While loops and integer for loops
  • try...with and try...finally expressions
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