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OliverPerks edited this page Oct 19, 2012 · 1 revision


WMAnalysis has several different modes of operation. As a serial application it can be used to replay a single trace file for memory consumption statistics.

To analyse a specific trace file:

mpirun -np 1 WMAnalysis WMTrace0001/trace-0.z

WMAnalysis can also be run in parallel to analyse a full jobs worth of files. Note the job size for postprocession does not have to be the same as that of the original job, it will distribute the workload over all available processes until finished.

To analyse a specific folder of trace files:

mpirun -np <x> WMAnalysis WMTrace0001

Serial Analysis

For running the analysis outside of the MPI environment there is a serial version of WMAnalysis with no dependency on the MPI library. To build simply run: cd src; make clean WMAnalysisSerial;

This builds a bin/WMAnalysisSerial binary.

This binary is also built with the standard make all command:

make clean all

The binary can be run as before:

WMAnalysisSerial WMTrace0001/trace-0.z

Command line arguments

WMAnalysis takes a few optional command line arguments to generate additional information.

  • --graph

    This option will produce gnuplot graph scripts for every trace file provided. This requies two passes of the trace file and so can be quite slow. The file generated will be named with a .graph extension, and when run will generate a png.

  • --functions

    This option produces an ordered list of functions consumption at point of high water mark - ordered by size. The file generated will be named with a .functions extension, but will be a text file.

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