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OliverPerks edited this page Oct 19, 2012 · 1 revision


WMHeatMap can produce a VisIt visualisation of memory consumption over time, where ranks are grouped by node, to indicate distribution.

Again WMHeatMap can be run in either serial or parallel mode, though parallel mode is encouraged due to the volume of processing required. Again the job size for post processing does not need to match that of the original execution.

To run simply provide the folder containing the trace files:

mpirun -np <x> WMHeatMap WMTrace0001

Command Line Arguments

WMHeatMap can be configured with a number of simple command line arguments.

  • -s=<x>

    Specify the number of sample points for the trace, defaults to 1000.

  • -o=<output dir>

    Specify an output directory. Defaults to a uniquely named WMHeatMap0001 folder.

VisIt Output

To view the output in VisIt first open VisIt.

To open from the output directory WMHeatMap.hdf50001 open:


Then click Add:

  • Mesh -> quadmesh
  • Label -> Rank
  • Pseudocolor -> Memory
  • Subsets -> domains

Configure Pseudocolor - Memory:

  • Limits -> Minimum 0 & Maximum 1

Configure Subsets - domains:

  • Subset colors -> Single
  • Options -> Wireframe
  • Point/Line Style -> Line Width 5

Apply settings then Draw.

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