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A package to process RNA-seq split-read counts for splicing and generate tissue-specific splicing annotations (SpliceMaps) that quantify tissue-specific splice site usage and isoform competition. SpliceMaps can be generated from RNA-seq split read counts (e.g. as provided by the software FRASER). The required input format is a table of split read-counts, with columns: 'Chromosome', 'Start', 'End', 'Strand', 'samples':

Chromosome Start End Strand individual 1 individual 2 individual 3
1 17729 17733 + 9 0 0
1 30667 30975 + 8 1 7
1 135802 137620 + 0 2 2
1 320653 320880 + 1 1 4
1 320653 324287 + 0 2 8
1 320938 321031 + 2 4 5
1 320938 322037 + 8 5 4
1 322228 324287 + 53 27 40
1 324345 324438 + 99 54 101
1 324686 324718 + 0 3 8

SpliceMaps contain the following information:

column name Description
junctions Intron with: chrom:donor site:acceptor site:strand
gene_id Ensembl gene id
gene_name Gene symbol
gene_type Gene type
gene_tpm Median expression of gene
transcript_id List of transcripts that intron is part of
Chromosome Chromosome
Start Donor site of intron
End Acceptor site of intron
Strand Strand of intron
events List of competing introns with shared splice site
splice_site Fixed splice site in splicing event
ref_psi Reference level of PSI
k Sum of split-read counts supporting the intron (based on cohort that SpliceMap was computed on)
n Sum of split-read counts supporting the splice-site (based on cohort that SpliceMap was computed on)
median_n Median of n across individuals
novel_junction Intron is not annotated in Gencode (binary)
weak_site_donor Donor site is not annotated in Gencode (binary)
weak_site_acceptor Acceptor site is not annotated in Gencode (binary)


Clone git repository of splicemap:

git clone

cd into repo directory:

cd splicemap

Install conda environment:

# Recommended if you have mamba installed
mamba env create -f environment.yaml
# otherwise
conda env create -f environment.yaml

Activate conda environment:

conda activate splicemap

Example usage

Check notebooks/example.ipynb

Download precomputed SpliceMaps from Zenodo

Precomputed SpliceMaps can be downloaded from Zenodo for hg19 and hg38.

splicemap_download --version {version} --splicemap_dir {output_dir}

Supported versions: 'gtex_v8' (hg38) and 'gtex_v7' (hg19).