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Installation: windows

Chris Holmes edited this page Aug 28, 2013 · 7 revisions

Supported Versions

Lantern supports Windows version XP and higher.


Lantern requires Chrome to be installed. If you don't have Chrome you can get it at the chrome download page. Lantern uses Chrome to render the user interface. Future Lantern versions will automatically install it for you.


(lantern download screenshot)

Download Lantern from your invite email. This should download a file called lantern-net-installer_windows_0_0_1.dmg. This will be relatively small - approximately 1.5mb - as it fetches more needed files from the internet.

(lantern exe screenshot)

Double-click on the .exe file, and installation will start.

This will do several things. First it ask if it's ok to run Lantern.

Then it will detect if you have Java, and if not it should download the Java Runtime Environment from the web. Then it will download the latest Lantern code, to make sure your installation is totally up to date. If you are on a slow connection the download step may take a bit of time.

After downloading it will extract files and then startup your lantern instance.

(screenshot of lantern on windows)

If you see this screen you're all set. Proceed to Setup.

Stopping Lantern

We encourage you to just leave Lantern running in the background, so it can be helping censored users get access even while you're doing other tasks.

<<someone who knows windows - please add information on how to stop it>>



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